Thursday, October 31, 2019

The causes of world war I Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The causes of world war I - Research Paper Example World War 1 was by caused the diplomatic clashes that occurred between some of the great powers from countries such as Italy, the Austro Hungarian Empire, Germany and the British Empire. These countries clashed over some European and colonial issues causing high tension. The diplomatic clashes might have resulted in a change to power balance in Europe. One source of dispute was over the Balkans territory. This tension was caused by the competition between Austria Hungary, Serbia and Russia over the territory. There are many events that are thought to have triggered the war, which include national politics, assassination, economics and cultures, complex webs of alliances and counterbalances, which were developed with some of the European powers in the year 1870. There are some domestic political factors that may have resulted to the war. They include such factors as German domestic politics. This involved politics between parties such as Social Democratic Party, which had a significant impact on the elections that took place in Germany in the year 1912. The government in Germany was dominated Prussian Junkers; they were the Prussian landowning gentry, who controlled Prussia. This led to increased fear as a result of the rise of left wing parties. It is with such fear that Fritz Fischer thought an external war would distract the population resulting to support for the government.1 Germany might have been ambivalent about the war with the worry that if the Germans lost the war, Germany woul d have faced disastrous consequences, which include a drop of the economy and a shortage of raw materials. Another domestic factor that might have contributed to the war was French domestic politics. The loss of the Alsace-Lorraine resulted to increased anger among the French. France being compelled to pay large reparation to Germany in the year 1870 was seen as a source of humiliation in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Short Critical Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Critical Reflection Paper - Essay Example Those factors, which make information age different from other ages, include ease of communication, easy and fast transfer of knowledge from one person to another, ease of information storage, quick processing of data, instant access to information, business expansion, increase in awareness about different issues, easy banking processes, e-commerce, and increase in entertainment in the form of computer games. All these factors make information age much more reliable, efficient, and progressive as compared to other ages. Ease of communication is one of the major advantages of information age. People can now easily communicate with each other through internet and other telecommunication facilities. Internet is one of the major developments of information age. People can upload, download, and view desired information on the internet, which is one of the key advantages of information age. Globalization is another major achievement of information age, which refers to the economic and soci al integration of different countries. Therefore, we can say that information age is truly one of the most influential movements of the last century due to its widespread advantages over all other ages. The founder of Wikipedia had the noble mission of sharing all available information with everyone. Wikipedia provides information regarding every subject to the people. It provides the users with the historical background of every subject that they want to explore. The content is full of such links that help the people get a deeper understanding of related issues and topics (Heron, 2006). Wikipedia has been a great source of information since its development. It includes information on films, education, technology, history, aviation, politics, sports, automobiles, cultures and traditions, and on many other subjects. Wikipedia provides in-depth information on all subjects. For example, if a person opens a webpage containing information on any specific movie, Wikipedia will

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Theory Of Child Development Children And Young People Essay

Theory Of Child Development Children And Young People Essay Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological system theory was created to focus on the quality and satisfaction of the childs environment. He believed that as a child grow and develop the way he/she interact with the environment becomes more complex. His theory was created to answer the question How does the environment helps or stops the development of a child? (Paquette, Ryan, 2001) The Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological system theory of child development has 5 systems that greatly impact the development of children. These systems consist of rules, norms and roles that is responsible for the shaping in childrens development. The names of these systems are microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). Microsystem is define as the direct environment a child lives in, including the childs interaction with any immediate relationship or organisation. The immediate relationship will be family members, peer groups, neighbourhood and the immediate organisation will be school or day-care. The way that these groups, schools and organisation interact with the child will play a major role in the childs development. The more warming, comfortable, encouraging, and nurturing the relationship and organisation are the better the child will develop and grow. (Oswalt, 2008). Also the impact of the relationship occurs in two directions; away from the child and toward the child. An example will be a childs parent may affect his/her behaviour but the child can also affect the behaviour of the parents. Urie Bronfenbrenner refers to this mechanism as bi-directional influences. (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). A n example of bi-directional influence will be A friendly, attentive child is likely to evoke positive and patient reactions from parents, whereas an irritable or distractible child is more likely to be a target of parental impatience, restriction and punishment. (Collins etal. 2000; Crockenberg Leekers, 2003a). Mesosystem is use to describes the different parts of the microsystem such as home, school, neighbourhood and day-care working together for the benefit of the child (Oswalt, 2008). The way a parent and a child will interact with each other at home is likely to affect the way that child interacts with the caregiver in child care settings and vice versa. (Brek, 2000 ). An example of mesosytem will be if a childs caregiver plays an active role in school, such as volunteering to be a part of activities, attend parent teacher meetings, year level meetings, class meetings and even watching the child play games like soccer, basketball, tennis etc will help ensure the growth and development of the child. (Oswalt, 2008). This is because a childs academic process does not only depend on what goes on in the classrooms but the involvement of the parents or caregiver (Epstein Sanders, 2002), and as long as the parents or caregiver show interest in what the child is doing then the child will be w illing to do and achieve more which will result in proper growth and development. Another way to show how the mesosystem works in shaping the development of a child is by family-neighbourhood connections. For example a child that has an economic disadvantage can benefit greatly from family-neighbourhood relationship. You see, rich families do not depend on their immediate surroundings for social support or education. Therefore they can afford to take their children to lessons and better quality schools in other communities. ( Elliott etal. 1996). Now a poor family will depend on their immediate surroundings for social support and education. After school programmes that offer child care to families and art, music, sports, scouting, dancing, singing etc to the child are linked to improve the performance in school in middle age childhood and psychological adjustment.( Posner vandell,1994; Vandell posner, 1999). Religious youth groups and special interest clubs like circle K that is p rovided by neighbourhood organisation will help the development in adolescence, by raising their self-esteem, enhancing their performance and achievement at school and giving them the knowledge on how to behave responsibly in society. (Gonzales etal., 1996; Kerestes Youniss,2003). Exosystem refers to the places and people that the child may not interact with regularly but plays an important role in the child growth and development. These places and people will be the parents workplace, the neighbourhood, extended family members etc. An example of exosystem will be if a childs parent is fired or laid off from work then the household will only have one set of income or no income at all. This will result in the parent not being able to pay rent, buy groceries or even send the child to school which will negatively impact the child development and growth (Oswalt, 2008). In fact research confirms the negative impact of a break down in exosystem show an increase rates of conflict and child abuse.( Emery Laumann-billings, 1998). However if that child parent receives a promotion or a raise at work, then the parent can provide a proper home, satisfy the child needs when the child is hungry and send he/she to school which will positively impact the child development (Os walt, 2008). Macrosystem consist of all systems mention above, the cultures, the general beliefs, written and unwritten principles that governs everyone on society behaviours. These principles can either be legal, political, economic, religious or educational (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). The macrosystem can be defined as the effect of larger principles having a cascading influence throughout the interactions of all other layers (Paquette, Ryan, 2001). For example: If in a particular culture the belief is that parents should have full responsibility of raising their child, it is highly unlikely that the culture will provide any resources to assist the parent. As a result the structures at which the parent functions will be affected. The parent ability or inability to handle the responsibility toward their child within the childs microsystem is affected (Paquette, Ryan, 2001). Chronosystem is refered to by Urie Bronfenbrenner as the temporal dimension of his model. The environment is always changing. Important events that may occur throughout a childs life like birth of a sibling, going to school for the first time, parents being divorce are able to alter existing relationships between that child and the environment resulting in new conditions that can affect development. Also the timing of environmental change affects the impact. For example: A toodler having a brother or sister will experience different consequence than a schhol-age child with activities and relationships beyond the family. As a child gets older they have the ability to select, modify and create many of their own settings and experiences. This ability depends on the child physical, intellectual, personal characteristics and their environmental opportunities. Children are both products and producers of their environment therefore both the child and the environment form a network of interd ependent effects in ecological system theory (Brek, 2000). So far we have outline Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory of child development. Now we will discuss how this theory informs the socialization agents that influence growth and development. Before we get into the discussion we will first define what a socialization agent is. A socialization agent is people like parents, family members, peers, teachers, social institutions like school, community centers and religious institutions that assist with incorporating an individual with society. There are 4 major agents of socialization in society; family, school, community culture and peers. The other agents will be mass media, gender and work. All the agents mentioned above are further divided into socialization groups. The groups are primary agents, secondary agents and social class. Primary agents of socialization are made up of people that are very close to the individual like family, teachers and friends. The most important primary agent of socialisation will be the family because they help shape the life, development and behaviour of an individual with in the society. Secondary agents of socialization are institutions that assist the individual in finding their place within the society. Secondary socialization agents include religious instutions, schools, community centers, work places etc. Schools are responsible for improving a child social skill which helps him/ her incorporate well with the surrounding society. Social classes will be the lower class, working middle class and higher elite class. In other words social class is dividing an individual within the society (Baxamusa, 2011). Now there is a better understand of what socialization agents are we can discuss how Urie Bronfenbrenner theory informs them. However the focus will only be on the socialization agents that influence growth and development. There are family, educators, schools and community centres. Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory informed educators in how to handle and analysis situation that may occur in schools whether it is pre-school, primary or secondary school. For example: Akelia is sitting in an art class using markers to draw pictures. Henderson joins her at the table and begins to cut scrap paper with a scissors. Akelia place a piece of paper in the centre of the desk, now Henderson thought that it was scrap paper and begin to cut it in pieces. Akelia looks over to what Henderson is doing, when she realise the paper Henderson was cutting was the piece she place in the centre, she jump up and shouted NO!!!!!! That is moms!! while pulling the paper out of Henderson hands. Suddenly Akelia punch Henderson in the ribs before the teacher can arrive at the desk. In this scenario an educator that is informed by Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory will conclude that Akelias mesosystem is aggressive or forceful and the way Akelias family members, neighbours or parents i nteract with her is violent or hostile resulting in Akelia developing that way towards others. So instead of punishing Akelia the educator will talk to her parents about her behaviour towards other and try to come to an agreement on how to deal with the situation so Akelia can grow and develop in a more positive way. This approach will be better than punishment because if Akelia is punish it will only make her more hostil. This is because Akelia thinks that her behaviour is right because that is what she knows from home and that is how she developed. Therefore she will not understand the reason she is being punish and will exhibit very hostile behaviour towards the educator and nothing will be resolved. Also the educator informed by Urie Bronfenbrenner theory will reflect on her class room environment or school environment to make sure that Akelias microsystem is not interacting with her in any violent or hostile way to make her respond to the situation the way she did. If the mesos ystem interaction with Akelia is violent or hostile then the educator will go to higher authorities to talk on how the school is interacting with students and how it is impacting the growth and development of students in a negative way. Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory informed programmes that are put in place in schools and communities centers. For example:The school may have sports programmes, social worker programmes, donation programmes and guidance counsellors to work with students who microsystem and mesosystem is broken where the parents or family members, home and neighbourhood are very aggressive, forceful, hostile violent towards the child resulting in the child being emotional scared and growing and developing into a very angry person. When this occur the guidance counsellor of the school will interact with the child, place the child in afterschool programs like sports to help release tension and violent energy, the guidance counsellor may also alert social workers to interact with the parents and try to make better environment for the child so the child can have great growth and development. Also students who exosystem may be broken or breaking down. For instance the mother might lost her job or sal ary has been cut and the child may be not attending school for long periods of time because the parents do not have sufficient funds to send him. When the child does attend school he is in fights because of the broken exosystem the parents are constantly fighting and on the verge to getting a divorce. This then leads to the child undergoing a life changing event which hinders his growth and development because he do not want to socialize or be a part of school activities or school. The school will have a guidance counsellor interact with the child and be there through the stages the help the child cope with the life changing events without hindering the growth and development. Also students who are in a particular culture that believe that parents should take full responsibility for raising their child and no resources are given to the parent. If the parents do not have the ability to take on that responsibility because one parent is handicap and the other addicted to drugs then the school donation programme will be able to provide for the child so the broken macrosystem will not hinder the child growth or development or cause the child to grow and develop in a negative way. Urie Bronfenbrenner

Friday, October 25, 2019

Epic of Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

Significance of Scyld Scefing Scyld Scefing often deprived his enemies, many tribes of men, of their mead-benches. He terrified his foes; yet he, as a boy, had been found a waif; fate made amends for that. He prospered under heaven, won praise and honor, until the men of every neighboring tribe, across the whale’s way, were obliged to obey him and pay him tribute. He was a noble king! (BEO 4-11). At first glance to any reader, the above passage that opens Beowulf may seem perplexing. Why is this poet rambling about some other great ruler? In fact, another 50 or so lines are dedicated to this Scefing character. Wasn’t this poem titled Beowulf? It appears that the poet of Beowulf is rambling, ranting unrelated events and apparently digressing from the main topic. However, even though no concrete conclusions or links are presented between Scefing and Beowulf, the reader learns soon enough that the seemingly digressive poet had in truth, slyly and with all intention inserted some indirect indications in the tale of Scefing. As the poem reaches its finale, the reader recognizes in an epiphany the sophisticated construction employed by the poet in the weaving of Scefing as foreshadowing of Beowulf. In retrospect, Scefing is essentially Beowulf himself. It is stated that Scefing is a warrior, a conqueror, gifted the spoils of his enemies as he defeated them. Beowulf was interested in the spoils and trophies of war in a similar fashion, always mindful to bring a piece or two of any recently dominated monsters back with him for display purposes. In addition, the poet mentions the pure prosperity, praise, and honor of Scefing; and in parallel form, the reader is exposed to the wealth, recognition, and reverence for the hero Beowulf. From the double victories over Grendel and his mother to the final battle against the dragon, Beowulf retains his status and his persona as a hero, a definite king and without a doubt a noble one. As the reader recalls Scefing was also described as a noble king, the pieces and reasoning of the previously digressive tangent rapidly falls into place. “Then Scyld departed at the destined hour, that powerful man sought the Lord’s protection. His own close companions carried him down to the sea, as he, lord of the Danes, had asked while he could still speak'; (BEO 26-30). This is the exact sequence of events which happens to Beowulf, his “destined hour'; being the fatal wound inflicted by the dragon.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Starbucks Analysis

Economics of Starbucks CONTENTS A. Introduction B. Analysis economics of Starbucks 1. Nature of product/service 2. Market trends 3. Production/supply process and costs 4. Structure of the industry/market 5. Government role 6. Business environment 7. Firm/Industry Location 8. Business and pricing strategies 9. Entrepreneurial ability of managers C. Conclusion D. References Introduction Starbucks, what started in Seattle in 1971s by three friends: erry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They opened a small shop and began selling fresh and cold coffee.Starbucks has always been a place where you can find world’s best coffee. In 1970s, Starbucks open its first coffee restaurant and its name comes from a classical American novel (Starbucks, 2013). Through 1980s, Howard Schultz came into Starbucks, after a business trip to Italy and impressed by coffee culture, his perception is that how to make it come true in U. S, he experimented from Seattle. In 1990s, Starbucks has expanded their production line beyond Seattle. Stepping cross the rest sates of U. S as well as international market.At the same time, Starbucks released its special option that offer stock option to employees, which made Starbucks become a public traded company. From 2000s, Starbucks continued its awesome phenomenon, its operation widespread over 15,000 locations over 40 countries. Classical Starbuck’s coffee beverage has been well recognized by lots of customers. Nowadays, Starbucks is not merely a successful coffee retailer; it is a coffee culture and place that people enjoy their lifetime. The nine main areas will give out an explanation how Starbucks looks like.Key word: Nature of product; Market Trends; Production/Supply Process & Cost; Structure of the Industry; Government Role; Business Environment; Firm/Industry Location; Business & Pricing Strategies and Entrepreneurial Ability of Manager. Analysis of the Economics of Starbucks Nature of Product Existing products: obviously, as a coffee related retailer, Starbucks mainly focus on coffee diversify selling. The main kinds of Starbucks coffee are latte, espresso, frappuccino as well as some sweet bakery, ice cream and so on.By the way, according to the idea of Starbucks itself, what they likely do that create a friendly drinks atmosphere rather than only sell a cup of coffee. Actually, customers really enjoyed their coffee time in Starbucks store thanks to cultural environment. What is more, Starbucks also provide coffee beans, coffee pot and coffee cup and other products. In the Chinese market localization of product design, and some tea kind, drink even has a particular season sales of Starbucks moon cakes, etc.Role of technology: Starbucks always try their best to improve well-roasted coffee beans, ground to perfection and then brewed to personal taste. The CEO released a statement that the company spends 20 years perfecting a top top-secret technology that ultimately results in a cup of coffee made wi th via, that is indistinguishable from Starbuck's typical brewed coffee (CNN money, 2009). In 2008, Starbucks purchased new coffee equipment that is called â€Å"clover†. The Clover uses precise technology and a calculated algorithm to brew coffee within one degree Fahrenheit of its ideal temperature and produce the ideal flavor (Chron, 2013).It also gives a control to interaction between water and grounds. What is more advancement, it could connect by Starbucks network in order to more effect management each unit. Product life cycle: generally, product life cycle is divided into four parts, introduce, growth, mature and decline. Every production has to walk through these four parts. According to Starbucks, with different coffee launched based on seasons, it is still located into growth period but close to mature step.Starbucks play its role in coffee industry similar like what monopolist do, its production occupied almost whole market share that should directed to mature sta ge, but new production occasional launched hold Starbucks to increase its sales volume. Price elasticity: The price elasticity of Starbucks is not very high. On one hand, coffee is necessary in daily life. On the other hand, Starbucks’ goodwill has been recognized among coffee fans, it is not matters of price. Substitutes and complementary products: coffee’s substitutes will be water, tea, mike or other fruit juice.When you step into Starbucks store, customer service is unchanged if you pick up juices even a bottle of water. Market Trends Consumer behavior: Starbucks hold approximately 33 percentage of market share in U. S. however, half of this huge number accounted by guys who aged at 25- 40(Chorn, 2013). Obviously, primary target audience of Starbucks is this grouped people. The characteristic of them is relatively high income, professional careers and a focus on social welfare. Motivation of consuming of these guys to Starbucks certainly for entertainment, enjoy li fe and pursuit of fashion and communication.The sub target customers is young adults who aged at 18-24, Starbucks position itself as a place college student can hang out, studying, writing paper and meeting. The rest customers of Starbucks are kids and teens who get there by their parents. Indifference curves: Indifference curve means products, which have different combine differently to satisfy customers. A simple indifference curve is shown in figure 1 For the coffee, at the same time, environment and music can satisfy customers. Coffee can satisfy customers’ taste sense, while environment can satisfy customers’ spirits.Starbucks can develop their own cup, coffee beans to improve efficiency. Shifts in demand and supply curves: With six factors influence demand curve: consumers' income, taste and preferences, consumer expectations, related product price, the government behavior and regulations and the number of consumers. Again, six factors influence supply, number of suppliers, prices of resources, technology, supply expected, price of all products and government actions. Particularly, Starbucks hold 33 percentage of U. S coffee market share, demand of Starbucks will increased, so demand will shift toward right side.Also, thousands of hundreds location established would satisfy these demand, supply curve move right side. Production/supply Process& cost Input: what Starbucks need do if it needs transforms quality coffee is inputting coffee bean, water, some capital investment as well as labor. Production function & Cost function: production function relates to the maximum quantity of output that can be produced from given amounts of input. A graph showed below about Starbucks production function. Figure 2: Retrieved from: http://faculty. washington. edu/ezivot/econ301/labor_demand. tm Apparently, as more and more labors putted into operating room, sales of Starbucks coffee increased. However, when increasing labor beyond quantity maximum, there is no increase on quantity. Marginal analysis: marginal analysis is one of the most important managerial tools. It states that optimal managerial decision involve comparing the marginal benefits of a decision with the marginal cost. Variable costs will not affect the output of the change in Starbucks. Coffee industry did not have a fixed mode. Coffee is the taste of the food service industry depends on customer. Structure of the Industry/MarketNature of industry: Starbucks as global famous coffee retailer had build one of world’s most powerful and recognizable brands of high-quality coffee and the unique â€Å"Starbucks Experience. † It first revolutionized coffee making industry by creating â€Å"third place† between workplace and home that is a clean, friendly environment where customers would escape chaos from daily life (Wikinvest, 2013). So, whole coffee industry has been winded by Starbucks style that creating relax and comfortable place for staying by qua lity coffee servicing. The rest of other competitors is trying advance environment as well.Industry concentration: it also another important part affect marginal decision. As we mentioned above, almost one third coffee production consumed by customers derived from Starbucks, coffee industry mostly distributed by this large company, certainly, other small company or local coffee store also account for whole coffee industry. Competition: obviously, Starbucks hold a dominate position in coffee industry and has no clearly rivalry in this section. The National Coffee Association estimates that the US coffee market will reach $29 billion in 2011(Wikinest, 2013).However, the three monsters in coffee industry target their different market. Starbucks try their best to hold on unbelievable market share with some change of price strategy. Whereas, even McDonald's larger retail footprint may overlap more with Starbucks' core markets, but their stark differences as stores are reflective of the g eneral differences between their core customers. The Dunkin donuts ranked in the third, its customers experience is more similar to â€Å"coffee-to-go† rather than place to enjoy lifetime. Consequently, market of coffee to go will be a fierce competition.Oligopoly Models: an oligopoly is a market that dominated by few competitors, Starbucks controlled not less than 30% coffee market share and made a important role entire market. Whereas, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, and Caribou Coffee affect coffee industry could not be ignored. Government Role Government role should be considered inseparable component as running business wherever domestic or global. What is good news for successful applying government role that it signed a contract with a province in China based on Chinese government role.That is positive on input procurement of Starbucks in Chinese market. There is a signed deal that Starbucks cooperate with province of Yunnan to set up its first-ever coffee-bean farm in the world to cater to a rapidly growing population of coffee drinkers in China amid a global battle for quality coffee beans (The wall Street Journal, 2010). In contrast, the illegal operation in U. K will produce a punishment for itself. In 2011, the company paid exactly zero in corporate tax rate even 398 million in sales (Forbes, 2012).The British government has already taken a action and adjust some law restriction specially. Business Environment Business environment consisted by two components, general environment and industry environment. Through a deep analysis could help the company compete well in the market and make more profit from that. The general environmental analysis in which a firm exists in following five parts, economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and demographic (Brain Mass, 2013). The recent global economic recession affect business with both rising operation cost and lower profit margin.Almost every industry even companies have been involved in to this horrible crisis. The consumer of the products are facing increase price of commodities. It made people’s life difficult and hard to pay too much on their daily food and drinks. During the economic crisis in 2008, coffee customers were still had 3. 3 cups per day on average and they may choose the lower cost coffee. The political and legal pressure is also filled with the coffee industry. Coffee companies buy coffee beans from different countries under their own regulations and customs.The company has to know the professional knowledge about how to import coffee beans from other country and follow the change of political policy. At the same time, firms must prepare well of necessary forms and permits to do coffee business. It includes business entity applications, tax forms, contracts and store leases and so on. The company also need abide by the laws and regulations issued by the local and federal governments, such as food handling regulation and labor laws. The socia l-culture segment based on the reflection of consumers and how the company response to it.As growing number of health-conscious customers, the company should keep up with the changing situation and meet demand of new market needs. Although companies like Starbucks initially resisted using anything other than whole-milk in coffee beverage preparation. Under the pressure, the product producer need come up with new products with both nutritious and tasty to satisfy the customer’s needs. Nowadays, the technological is getting more important to help extend business almost in any industries. It is also a major factor in the coffee industry.The technology is related to the product innovation, services and the consumer’s interaction. According to Starbucks, as a world’s famous coffee producer, no matter the operation or customer service, what only you could see is technological equipment. The article in â€Å"AdAge† on February 2010, Starbucks was able to use soc ial media to its commercial or customers’ feedback. Technological software is being launched in 2011 that is App Starbucks. It is could help customers make purchase, track reward numbers and check balance by mobile with internet.It is convenient for both cashers in front desk and customers who need a cup of Starbucks. Digital network is also an advantage positioned by Starbucks; Starbucks could service as a moving office even a meeting place thanks to ultimate Wi-Fi connection in its store. For brewing, Starbucks still equipped by advanced coffee brew machines. Such as clover, it precise control time, temperature, material volume in order to qualified coffee (Chorn, 2013). As environment deteriorated day by day, environmental conscious and protection is being paid more attention.It is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets business (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2013). Starbucks is considering replacing plastic package by some special biodegradable material ; what is more, Starbucks try it best to do recycling even if some location is hard to come true that. According to industry environment, coffee service has evolved into very specialized profession, the coffee retailer do not believe themselves as merely coffee seller any more. With a profusion of advanced delivery system and a wide variety of products, they willing to create an awesome culture those customers have even experienced.Truthfully, there is no direct offense to Starbucks by other coffee firms; however, more recently an intense competition between those major coffee brands, there will be more pressure on Starbucks. For instance, McDonald's has 14,000 stores in the U. S. and caters to a wider demographic than Starbucks; it also enjoys increased traffic from its variety of well-established breakfast options. McDonald's coffee sales increased 15% in 2006 (Hub Pages, 2012). From the side of customers, customers are powerful force in coffee industry. The largest segment of rev enue is coming from individual buyers.They can influence the price, quantity and quality of the product. That is to say the rate of profit of a coffee company directly affected by customers. Starbucks’s most supplements come from its loyal customers, Starbucks brand has been deep widespread among crowded. But as no apparent lower unemployment rate exists and lots of people fired from their work position, they have to tight daily expenditure even if they are crazy about Starbucks. The price strategy should be mentioned by Starbucks under tough market environment. Replan a flexible and reasonable selling price based on customer behaviors.Firm/Industry Location Starbucks is the largest  coffeehouse  company in the world, with 20,366 stores in 61 countries, including 13,123 in the United States, 1,299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, 164 in Thailand and 3 in India (Wikip edia, 2013). Starbucks’ located combined by daily and evening locations. Almost every location builds at corner of traffic lots. Besides, some of Starbucks located in college campus, because college students are its target market either.Taking a conclusion, Starbucks’ location always depend on how service customers efficiently in order to profits getting back. Business and Pricing Strategies Starbucks planned its pricing strategies divided to two columns. One is that it headed downwards most popular production such as, brewed coffee and lattes coffee. It is also redesigned its menu to feature out low priced brewed coffee or lattes. Another one is increasing the prices of its higher-end more complex drinks including Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos, of which there is less competition from rivals.In some cases, prices are rising by 30 cents (Pricing for profit, 2009). As a result, some speculate that Starbucks is trying to make the most profit from its devoted custome rs who are hooked on its products. Different price strategy on different marketing production is in order to make good profits. Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers it is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. The mark of an effective leader is his ability to foresee the business trends and stay ahead of his rivals. Howard Schultz who is the owner of Starbucks.In a sense, Howard Schultz did what similar to Steve Jobs and other innovators have done, creating something that we really did not know we needed until we had it. He spends lots of his time in working place and focuses more on company innovation and effective management. Recently, Starbucks launched its new production that is named Verismo (Business Insider, 2013). Schultz stated that its plan is to use Verismo to be a global leader. As well-know, Starbucks cover more employees’ benefit than other coffee related comp any. No matter part-time workforce or full-time there, Starbucks provide unbelievable benefit that you never seen.That is exactly what Schultz’s belief that employee satisfaction lead to customers’ satisfaction. What is more, Starbucks encourage employee to participate to social activities, it is good way of brand reorganization. An efficient management will release a help to sales increase and profits maximizing. Starbucks always realign its top management based on specific situation. Unlike other company grouping their firm entirely wherever domestic market or international market, Starbucks divided their responsibilities for its business into three global regions, Asia, America and rest of world’s place.Every region has its own executive, which take a hold of the entire region. Which is possible of this change would help maximize its opportunities in growing market like China, Brazil and India. Conclusion Starbucks is the leader of the coffee industry devote to produces high quality and premium roasted coffee to market in many areas of the world. The success is hard to ignore the contribution from Howard Schultz. With his entrepreneurial ability and effective management, Starbucks is keeping moving forward to grow up and face changing situation and variety of problems caused by both internal and external impact.The management structure of Starbucks became a benchmark in coffee industry which many industry players are willing to emulate and study. Starbucks is powered by their continual bringing new innovative product, build good relationship with customers, ability to expand globally and right decision of select locations. Coffee and tea are popularly in all over the world and attract large number of population. Coffee industry is sensitive that can provide attractive revenues to the company. However, the company only could be success and get huge profit under the competition if the efficient and effective strategies are being taken.The key successful factors of coffee industry demand is utilize technology to enhance customer experience, innovate products, select appropriate location and prepare well to conquer competitors. References Business Insider. (2013, Jan 26). Starbucks Seems Almost Giddy about Its Verismo Machines. Retrieved from http://www. businessinsider. com/starbucks-verismo-2013-1 BrainMass. (2012). General Environment of Business. Retrieved from http://brainmass. com/business/business-analysis/191029 Chorn. (2012). Who Is Starbucks' Target Audience? Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. hron. com/starbucks-target-audience-10553. html Chron. (2012). Starbucks ; Its Use of Technology. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/starbucks-its-use-technology-28272. html CNNMoney. (2009, Oct 2). Starbucks' new high-tech coffee. Retrieved from http://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2009/10/02/starbucks-new-high-tech-coffee/ Forbes. (2012, Dec 19). Self-Righteous Starbucks Forced To Chug a Venti of Greedy Gove rnment. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kylesmith/2012/12/19/self-rigtheous-starbucks-forced-to-chug-a-venti-of-greedy-government/ HubPages. 2012). Specialty coffee industry analysis. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Pricing for profit. (2009, Aug 26). Starbucks’ New Pricing Strategy: The Beginning of the End? Retrieved from http://www. pricingforprofit. com/pricing-strategy-blog/starbucks-new-pricing-strategy-beginning. htm Starbucks Coffee Company. (2013). Our Environmental Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://gr. starbucks. com/en-US/_Social+Responsibility/_Social+Responsibilities/Environment+Mission+Statement. htm Starbucks. 2013). A Brief History of Starbucks. Retrieved from http://philippines. starbucks. com/en-US/_About+Starbucks/History+of+Starbucks. htm The Wall Street Journal. (2010, Nov 15). Starbucks to Open China Coffee Farm, Securing Global Supply. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/articl e/SB10001424052748704462704575609733431622088. html Wikinvest. (2012). Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved from http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Starbucks_(SBUX) Wikipedia. (2013). Starbucks. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Starbucks Analysis Economics of Starbucks CONTENTS A. Introduction B. Analysis economics of Starbucks 1. Nature of product/service 2. Market trends 3. Production/supply process and costs 4. Structure of the industry/market 5. Government role 6. Business environment 7. Firm/Industry Location 8. Business and pricing strategies 9. Entrepreneurial ability of managers C. Conclusion D. References Introduction Starbucks, what started in Seattle in 1971s by three friends: erry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They opened a small shop and began selling fresh and cold coffee.Starbucks has always been a place where you can find world’s best coffee. In 1970s, Starbucks open its first coffee restaurant and its name comes from a classical American novel (Starbucks, 2013). Through 1980s, Howard Schultz came into Starbucks, after a business trip to Italy and impressed by coffee culture, his perception is that how to make it come true in U. S, he experimented from Seattle. In 1990s, Starbucks has expanded their production line beyond Seattle. Stepping cross the rest sates of U. S as well as international market.At the same time, Starbucks released its special option that offer stock option to employees, which made Starbucks become a public traded company. From 2000s, Starbucks continued its awesome phenomenon, its operation widespread over 15,000 locations over 40 countries. Classical Starbuck’s coffee beverage has been well recognized by lots of customers. Nowadays, Starbucks is not merely a successful coffee retailer; it is a coffee culture and place that people enjoy their lifetime. The nine main areas will give out an explanation how Starbucks looks like.Key word: Nature of product; Market Trends; Production/Supply Process & Cost; Structure of the Industry; Government Role; Business Environment; Firm/Industry Location; Business & Pricing Strategies and Entrepreneurial Ability of Manager. Analysis of the Economics of Starbucks Nature of Product Existing products: obviously, as a coffee related retailer, Starbucks mainly focus on coffee diversify selling. The main kinds of Starbucks coffee are latte, espresso, frappuccino as well as some sweet bakery, ice cream and so on.By the way, according to the idea of Starbucks itself, what they likely do that create a friendly drinks atmosphere rather than only sell a cup of coffee. Actually, customers really enjoyed their coffee time in Starbucks store thanks to cultural environment. What is more, Starbucks also provide coffee beans, coffee pot and coffee cup and other products. In the Chinese market localization of product design, and some tea kind, drink even has a particular season sales of Starbucks moon cakes, etc.Role of technology: Starbucks always try their best to improve well-roasted coffee beans, ground to perfection and then brewed to personal taste. The CEO released a statement that the company spends 20 years perfecting a top top-secret technology that ultimately results in a cup of coffee made wi th via, that is indistinguishable from Starbuck's typical brewed coffee (CNN money, 2009). In 2008, Starbucks purchased new coffee equipment that is called â€Å"clover†. The Clover uses precise technology and a calculated algorithm to brew coffee within one degree Fahrenheit of its ideal temperature and produce the ideal flavor (Chron, 2013).It also gives a control to interaction between water and grounds. What is more advancement, it could connect by Starbucks network in order to more effect management each unit. Product life cycle: generally, product life cycle is divided into four parts, introduce, growth, mature and decline. Every production has to walk through these four parts. According to Starbucks, with different coffee launched based on seasons, it is still located into growth period but close to mature step.Starbucks play its role in coffee industry similar like what monopolist do, its production occupied almost whole market share that should directed to mature sta ge, but new production occasional launched hold Starbucks to increase its sales volume. Price elasticity: The price elasticity of Starbucks is not very high. On one hand, coffee is necessary in daily life. On the other hand, Starbucks’ goodwill has been recognized among coffee fans, it is not matters of price. Substitutes and complementary products: coffee’s substitutes will be water, tea, mike or other fruit juice.When you step into Starbucks store, customer service is unchanged if you pick up juices even a bottle of water. Market Trends Consumer behavior: Starbucks hold approximately 33 percentage of market share in U. S. however, half of this huge number accounted by guys who aged at 25- 40(Chorn, 2013). Obviously, primary target audience of Starbucks is this grouped people. The characteristic of them is relatively high income, professional careers and a focus on social welfare. Motivation of consuming of these guys to Starbucks certainly for entertainment, enjoy li fe and pursuit of fashion and communication.The sub target customers is young adults who aged at 18-24, Starbucks position itself as a place college student can hang out, studying, writing paper and meeting. The rest customers of Starbucks are kids and teens who get there by their parents. Indifference curves: Indifference curve means products, which have different combine differently to satisfy customers. A simple indifference curve is shown in figure 1 For the coffee, at the same time, environment and music can satisfy customers. Coffee can satisfy customers’ taste sense, while environment can satisfy customers’ spirits.Starbucks can develop their own cup, coffee beans to improve efficiency. Shifts in demand and supply curves: With six factors influence demand curve: consumers' income, taste and preferences, consumer expectations, related product price, the government behavior and regulations and the number of consumers. Again, six factors influence supply, number of suppliers, prices of resources, technology, supply expected, price of all products and government actions. Particularly, Starbucks hold 33 percentage of U. S coffee market share, demand of Starbucks will increased, so demand will shift toward right side.Also, thousands of hundreds location established would satisfy these demand, supply curve move right side. Production/supply Process& cost Input: what Starbucks need do if it needs transforms quality coffee is inputting coffee bean, water, some capital investment as well as labor. Production function & Cost function: production function relates to the maximum quantity of output that can be produced from given amounts of input. A graph showed below about Starbucks production function. Figure 2: Retrieved from: http://faculty. washington. edu/ezivot/econ301/labor_demand. tm Apparently, as more and more labors putted into operating room, sales of Starbucks coffee increased. However, when increasing labor beyond quantity maximum, there is no increase on quantity. Marginal analysis: marginal analysis is one of the most important managerial tools. It states that optimal managerial decision involve comparing the marginal benefits of a decision with the marginal cost. Variable costs will not affect the output of the change in Starbucks. Coffee industry did not have a fixed mode. Coffee is the taste of the food service industry depends on customer. Structure of the Industry/MarketNature of industry: Starbucks as global famous coffee retailer had build one of world’s most powerful and recognizable brands of high-quality coffee and the unique â€Å"Starbucks Experience. † It first revolutionized coffee making industry by creating â€Å"third place† between workplace and home that is a clean, friendly environment where customers would escape chaos from daily life (Wikinvest, 2013). So, whole coffee industry has been winded by Starbucks style that creating relax and comfortable place for staying by qua lity coffee servicing. The rest of other competitors is trying advance environment as well.Industry concentration: it also another important part affect marginal decision. As we mentioned above, almost one third coffee production consumed by customers derived from Starbucks, coffee industry mostly distributed by this large company, certainly, other small company or local coffee store also account for whole coffee industry. Competition: obviously, Starbucks hold a dominate position in coffee industry and has no clearly rivalry in this section. The National Coffee Association estimates that the US coffee market will reach $29 billion in 2011(Wikinest, 2013).However, the three monsters in coffee industry target their different market. Starbucks try their best to hold on unbelievable market share with some change of price strategy. Whereas, even McDonald's larger retail footprint may overlap more with Starbucks' core markets, but their stark differences as stores are reflective of the g eneral differences between their core customers. The Dunkin donuts ranked in the third, its customers experience is more similar to â€Å"coffee-to-go† rather than place to enjoy lifetime. Consequently, market of coffee to go will be a fierce competition.Oligopoly Models: an oligopoly is a market that dominated by few competitors, Starbucks controlled not less than 30% coffee market share and made a important role entire market. Whereas, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, and Caribou Coffee affect coffee industry could not be ignored. Government Role Government role should be considered inseparable component as running business wherever domestic or global. What is good news for successful applying government role that it signed a contract with a province in China based on Chinese government role.That is positive on input procurement of Starbucks in Chinese market. There is a signed deal that Starbucks cooperate with province of Yunnan to set up its first-ever coffee-bean farm in the world to cater to a rapidly growing population of coffee drinkers in China amid a global battle for quality coffee beans (The wall Street Journal, 2010). In contrast, the illegal operation in U. K will produce a punishment for itself. In 2011, the company paid exactly zero in corporate tax rate even 398 million in sales (Forbes, 2012).The British government has already taken a action and adjust some law restriction specially. Business Environment Business environment consisted by two components, general environment and industry environment. Through a deep analysis could help the company compete well in the market and make more profit from that. The general environmental analysis in which a firm exists in following five parts, economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and demographic (Brain Mass, 2013). The recent global economic recession affect business with both rising operation cost and lower profit margin.Almost every industry even companies have been involved in to this horrible crisis. The consumer of the products are facing increase price of commodities. It made people’s life difficult and hard to pay too much on their daily food and drinks. During the economic crisis in 2008, coffee customers were still had 3. 3 cups per day on average and they may choose the lower cost coffee. The political and legal pressure is also filled with the coffee industry. Coffee companies buy coffee beans from different countries under their own regulations and customs.The company has to know the professional knowledge about how to import coffee beans from other country and follow the change of political policy. At the same time, firms must prepare well of necessary forms and permits to do coffee business. It includes business entity applications, tax forms, contracts and store leases and so on. The company also need abide by the laws and regulations issued by the local and federal governments, such as food handling regulation and labor laws. The socia l-culture segment based on the reflection of consumers and how the company response to it.As growing number of health-conscious customers, the company should keep up with the changing situation and meet demand of new market needs. Although companies like Starbucks initially resisted using anything other than whole-milk in coffee beverage preparation. Under the pressure, the product producer need come up with new products with both nutritious and tasty to satisfy the customer’s needs. Nowadays, the technological is getting more important to help extend business almost in any industries. It is also a major factor in the coffee industry.The technology is related to the product innovation, services and the consumer’s interaction. According to Starbucks, as a world’s famous coffee producer, no matter the operation or customer service, what only you could see is technological equipment. The article in â€Å"AdAge† on February 2010, Starbucks was able to use soc ial media to its commercial or customers’ feedback. Technological software is being launched in 2011 that is App Starbucks. It is could help customers make purchase, track reward numbers and check balance by mobile with internet.It is convenient for both cashers in front desk and customers who need a cup of Starbucks. Digital network is also an advantage positioned by Starbucks; Starbucks could service as a moving office even a meeting place thanks to ultimate Wi-Fi connection in its store. For brewing, Starbucks still equipped by advanced coffee brew machines. Such as clover, it precise control time, temperature, material volume in order to qualified coffee (Chorn, 2013). As environment deteriorated day by day, environmental conscious and protection is being paid more attention.It is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets business (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2013). Starbucks is considering replacing plastic package by some special biodegradable material ; what is more, Starbucks try it best to do recycling even if some location is hard to come true that. According to industry environment, coffee service has evolved into very specialized profession, the coffee retailer do not believe themselves as merely coffee seller any more. With a profusion of advanced delivery system and a wide variety of products, they willing to create an awesome culture those customers have even experienced.Truthfully, there is no direct offense to Starbucks by other coffee firms; however, more recently an intense competition between those major coffee brands, there will be more pressure on Starbucks. For instance, McDonald's has 14,000 stores in the U. S. and caters to a wider demographic than Starbucks; it also enjoys increased traffic from its variety of well-established breakfast options. McDonald's coffee sales increased 15% in 2006 (Hub Pages, 2012). From the side of customers, customers are powerful force in coffee industry. The largest segment of rev enue is coming from individual buyers.They can influence the price, quantity and quality of the product. That is to say the rate of profit of a coffee company directly affected by customers. Starbucks’s most supplements come from its loyal customers, Starbucks brand has been deep widespread among crowded. But as no apparent lower unemployment rate exists and lots of people fired from their work position, they have to tight daily expenditure even if they are crazy about Starbucks. The price strategy should be mentioned by Starbucks under tough market environment. Replan a flexible and reasonable selling price based on customer behaviors.Firm/Industry Location Starbucks is the largest  coffeehouse  company in the world, with 20,366 stores in 61 countries, including 13,123 in the United States, 1,299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, 164 in Thailand and 3 in India (Wikip edia, 2013). Starbucks’ located combined by daily and evening locations. Almost every location builds at corner of traffic lots. Besides, some of Starbucks located in college campus, because college students are its target market either.Taking a conclusion, Starbucks’ location always depend on how service customers efficiently in order to profits getting back. Business and Pricing Strategies Starbucks planned its pricing strategies divided to two columns. One is that it headed downwards most popular production such as, brewed coffee and lattes coffee. It is also redesigned its menu to feature out low priced brewed coffee or lattes. Another one is increasing the prices of its higher-end more complex drinks including Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos, of which there is less competition from rivals.In some cases, prices are rising by 30 cents (Pricing for profit, 2009). As a result, some speculate that Starbucks is trying to make the most profit from its devoted custome rs who are hooked on its products. Different price strategy on different marketing production is in order to make good profits. Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers it is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. The mark of an effective leader is his ability to foresee the business trends and stay ahead of his rivals. Howard Schultz who is the owner of Starbucks.In a sense, Howard Schultz did what similar to Steve Jobs and other innovators have done, creating something that we really did not know we needed until we had it. He spends lots of his time in working place and focuses more on company innovation and effective management. Recently, Starbucks launched its new production that is named Verismo (Business Insider, 2013). Schultz stated that its plan is to use Verismo to be a global leader. As well-know, Starbucks cover more employees’ benefit than other coffee related comp any. No matter part-time workforce or full-time there, Starbucks provide unbelievable benefit that you never seen.That is exactly what Schultz’s belief that employee satisfaction lead to customers’ satisfaction. What is more, Starbucks encourage employee to participate to social activities, it is good way of brand reorganization. An efficient management will release a help to sales increase and profits maximizing. Starbucks always realign its top management based on specific situation. Unlike other company grouping their firm entirely wherever domestic market or international market, Starbucks divided their responsibilities for its business into three global regions, Asia, America and rest of world’s place.Every region has its own executive, which take a hold of the entire region. Which is possible of this change would help maximize its opportunities in growing market like China, Brazil and India. Conclusion Starbucks is the leader of the coffee industry devote to produces high quality and premium roasted coffee to market in many areas of the world. The success is hard to ignore the contribution from Howard Schultz. With his entrepreneurial ability and effective management, Starbucks is keeping moving forward to grow up and face changing situation and variety of problems caused by both internal and external impact.The management structure of Starbucks became a benchmark in coffee industry which many industry players are willing to emulate and study. Starbucks is powered by their continual bringing new innovative product, build good relationship with customers, ability to expand globally and right decision of select locations. Coffee and tea are popularly in all over the world and attract large number of population. Coffee industry is sensitive that can provide attractive revenues to the company. However, the company only could be success and get huge profit under the competition if the efficient and effective strategies are being taken.The key successful factors of coffee industry demand is utilize technology to enhance customer experience, innovate products, select appropriate location and prepare well to conquer competitors. References Business Insider. (2013, Jan 26). Starbucks Seems Almost Giddy about Its Verismo Machines. Retrieved from http://www. businessinsider. com/starbucks-verismo-2013-1 BrainMass. (2012). General Environment of Business. Retrieved from http://brainmass. com/business/business-analysis/191029 Chorn. (2012). Who Is Starbucks' Target Audience? Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. hron. com/starbucks-target-audience-10553. html Chron. (2012). Starbucks ; Its Use of Technology. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/starbucks-its-use-technology-28272. html CNNMoney. (2009, Oct 2). Starbucks' new high-tech coffee. Retrieved from http://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2009/10/02/starbucks-new-high-tech-coffee/ Forbes. (2012, Dec 19). Self-Righteous Starbucks Forced To Chug a Venti of Greedy Gove rnment. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kylesmith/2012/12/19/self-rigtheous-starbucks-forced-to-chug-a-venti-of-greedy-government/ HubPages. 2012). Specialty coffee industry analysis. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Pricing for profit. (2009, Aug 26). Starbucks’ New Pricing Strategy: The Beginning of the End? Retrieved from http://www. pricingforprofit. com/pricing-strategy-blog/starbucks-new-pricing-strategy-beginning. htm Starbucks Coffee Company. (2013). Our Environmental Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://gr. starbucks. com/en-US/_Social+Responsibility/_Social+Responsibilities/Environment+Mission+Statement. htm Starbucks. 2013). A Brief History of Starbucks. Retrieved from http://philippines. starbucks. com/en-US/_About+Starbucks/History+of+Starbucks. htm The Wall Street Journal. (2010, Nov 15). Starbucks to Open China Coffee Farm, Securing Global Supply. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/articl e/SB10001424052748704462704575609733431622088. html Wikinvest. (2012). Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved from http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Starbucks_(SBUX) Wikipedia. (2013). Starbucks. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

One Man Control Essay

What is Meant By One Man Control? One man control or one man business (also called sole proprietorship) is the simplest form of business organization. The description ‘One man business’ or ‘one man control’ is sometimes con as misleading one, as there may be more than one persons working as employees in the business. The essential condition of one man control or one man business is that it i. e. a business owned by one person, managed and operated for one’s own profit. Statute of One Ban Business The one man business’ was the earliest to be developed. It is even today, the most common and numerically the largest form of business ownership in the developed and underdeveloped countries of the world. It represents about more than 74% of all the business firms. However the share of sole proprietorship in the national income is small of all the business activities. That is why it Is said of sole traders that they are an awful lot of them but they do not do very much. † Is One Man Control Best in The World? With the advent of Industrial Revolution, introduction of machinery, division of labour, specialization, expansion in the scale of production, greater business risks, diversification of managerial tasks, large capital requirement, etc. , etc. the one man control Is no more the rule of the world. The reason is that ‘one man’ Is not big enough to manage everything. The basic functions of business i, e. , buying, selling, advertising, accounting, insurance, credit, personal management etc cannot be successfully performed by one man. He cannot be expert in all these areas. In addition to this, one man can provide a limited amount of capital for establish and operating a business. His risk bearing capacity is ‘also limited. In the present age of competition and technological advancement, the single proprietor has to seek the aid of other persons, managers, secretaries, advisers, consultants etc. He now is one man among many, though perhaps he is the most important one. The one man control is the best in the world It that one man is big enough to manage everything does not seem to be feasible. The sole trading business is confined now to small scale sector. Suitability of sole proprietorship The sole proprietorship from of organization is existing and competing quite successfully with other forms of organizations like partnership, Joint Stock Company. There are many reasons for it. Sole proprietorship is the most ancient form of business enterprise. If has a weight of tradition behind it. Moreover it is good to experiment with it. The circumstances favorable to sole proprietorship form of organization are: a) Where Market Is Local When the market for a good or service is local, the scale of business opera will be small. The amount of capital required will also be less. Under such circumstances, the sole proprietorship is considered the most suitable from of organization. For example most of the retail trading is controlled by the sole traders. (b) When Personal Contract With Customers is Required There are certain businesses where goods or services are provided according t o the individual tastes or liking of the customers. For example in the beauty parlours, the tailoring shops, cafeterias etc the sole proprietor has a direct link with his customers. He provides the goods and caters to the individual tastes of the customers. So in al these and other similar businesses, sole proprietorship is the most popular and suitable form. (c) Where One Likes, Being His Own Boss There are many owners who cannot work w other persons or under some one else. They want to work hard and succeed in business. Being one own boss and keeping all the profits with himself has a special attraction to run the business individually. (d) Where Promptness is Required in Decision Making There are businesses where immediate decisions is required as warranted by the situation. The businessman has no time to consult others. Far example, the prices of the shares change every rapidly in the stack exchange market. The businessman has to take prompt decisions. In such businesses where demand and prices of goods change quickly, sole proprietorship form of business is most suitable

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Discrimination And Empowerment Mental Health Social Work Essay Essays

Discrimination And Empowerment Mental Health Social Work Essay Essays Discrimination And Empowerment Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Discrimination And Empowerment Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay This essay will foremost specify what favoritism is and what it means to know apart. Examples will be used to show what favoritism may look like. A definition of authorization will besides be used. The essay will so critically research theory and thoughts around power and how power manifests between groups. This portion of the essay will touch on the thought of othering . The essay will travel on to concentrate on mental wellness, race and racism. The essay will utilize the thought that mental unwellness is a societal concept and expression at how mental unwellness can be unfastened to influences of racism from society ( Bailey 2004 ) . The essay will do links to institutional racism in mental wellness and psychopathology. In a basic sense to know apart agencies to: differentiate or to recognize a differentiation ( Oxford Dictionaries 2012 ) . In this basic sense it is a portion of day-to-day life to know apart. For illustration, a babe will frequently know apart between a alien and their health professional. Discrimination becomes a job when the difference or recognised differentiation is used for the footing of unjust intervention or exclusion ( Thompson 2012 ) . Anti-discriminatory pattern in societal work concerns itself with favoritism that has negative results ; whether this is negative favoritism or positive favoritism . Both are every bit as damaging. Thompson ( 1998 ) defines favoritism as a procedure where persons are divided into peculiar societal groups with an uneven distribution of power, resources, chances and even rights. Discrimination is non ever knowing ( Thompson 2009 ) and there are assorted types of favoritism ( EHRC 2012 ) . Discrimination can be direct, indirect, based on perceptual experience or on association ( EHRC 2012 ) . The Equality Act 2010 is statute law that protects persons and groups against favoritism. The Equality Act 2010 brought together several pieces of statute law to protect several protected features : age, disablement, gender reassignment, matrimony and civil partnership, race, faith or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Discrimination does non merely happen on a personal degree, harmonizing to Thompson ( 2012 ) , favoritism occurs on three degrees ; personal, cultural and construction. This will be explored more subsequently on. Empowerment is a term that frequently comes in to play when analyzing favoritism ; therefore it is of import to hold an apprehension of both. Authorization is the capacity of persons or groups to take control of their circumstance and utilize their power to assist themselves and others to maximize the quality of their lives ( Adams 2008: sixteen ) . Authorization is so non an absence of favoritism and power but an person s capacity to have or portion that power and take control. Therefore authorization is an anti-oppressive pattern non an anti-discriminatory 1. They are linked but non the same. Social workers act as mediators between service users and the province. Social workers are in a function that can potentially authorise or suppress ( Thompson 1997 ) . For this ground Thompson ( 1997: 11 ) argues that good pattern must be anti-discriminatory pattern , no affair how high the criterions of pattern are in other respects ( Thompson 2012 ) . Thompson ( 1997 ) reminds the reader many times throughout his book that If you re non portion of the solution you are portion of the job . I choose to include this because it reinforces that societal workers need to dispute favoritism and take action against it. Discrimination is political, sociological and psychological ( Thompson 2012 ) . To accept and digest it and to non to dispute it does so do societal workers portion of the job. Discrimination has links with power which the essay will travel on to explicate following. As defined by the Oxford Dictionary ( 2012 ) power is the ability or capacity to make something ; the capacity or ability to move in a peculiar manner to direct or act upon the behavior of others or the class of events ; or physical strength or force exerted by person . From this definition power could be seen as a coercive force or autocratic. However, some theoreticians would reason that there is more to power than merely coercion and authorization. Parsons ( 1969 cited Rogers 2008 ) took a different position on power. He saw power as a manner of keeping societal order alternatively of a force for single addition ( Rogers 2008 ) . Parsons ( 1969 cited Rogers 2008 ) believed that to be able to implement coercive action and justify it, there needs to be a corporate involvement from the societal system as a whole ( Rogers 2008 ) . Lukes ( 1974 ) would differ with Parsons definition on power. Lukes argues that power is less abstract ( Rogers 2008 ) and that exerting power is the determination to exercise control. Lukes ( 1974:74 ) illustrates this point as: A exercisings power over B when A effects B in a mode contrary to B s involvements . Dominelli ( 2008 ) focuses more on the thought of viing power ; which group has more power than the other . This splits people to either be in the dominant group or the minority. A dominant group tends to be deemed superior, and with high quality comes privilege ( Dominelli 2008 ) . As a consequence the other group is deemed inferior, the minority and disadvantaged. It is this compound of laterality and subjugation that favoritism derives from ( Rogers 2008 ) . It is a group s perceived superiorly over another group ( Thompson 2012 ) that justifies coercive action, control and favoritism. When people form oppressive relationships the inclination is to do a strategic determination that excludes a peculiar group or persons from accessing power and resources ( Dominelli 2002 ) . Othering can be experienced as multiple ; multiple subjugation. Peoples can be othered at the same time due to a figure of societal divisions ( Domenelli 2002 ) , for illustration, being a black adult female who experiences mental wellness issues. Social workers need to recognize power and its links to favoritism. Not to could farther suppress ( Thompson 2012 ) . It can experience uncomfortable to be in the privileged place ; whether this is as a white individual or a adult male and so on. The privileged group demand to prosecute in the battle for equality ( Corneau and Stergiopoulos 2012 ) . White people need to prosecute with the battle against racism and accept duty for racism as it is a job of white society and hence involves white people ( Strawbridge cited Corneau and Stergiopoulos 2012 ) . This account can be applied to any other groups that are considered to be the other . Rogers and Pilgrim ( 2006: 15 ) suggest that high quality is a societal building: a merchandise of human activity . Dominelli ( 2002 ) goes farther to state that subjugation itself is a societal concept as oppressive dealingss are non pre-determined but they are reproduced between societal interactions and modus operandis. Language is frequently used as a cardinal portion of societal interaction and is besides a really powerful tool. This relates to a great extent to societal work as societal workers are responsible for composing reports/care plans/assessments. Depending on how societal workers word written pieces of work can so paint a really different image of the service user they are working with. I was one time told that words are the slugs of bias , this illustrates that labels and linguistic communication can be powerful, damaging, potentially prejudiced and oppressive. Although labels can be damaging they are a portion of societal interaction. Labels help us to build our societal universe and we use them to happen similarities and differences to treat the universe around us ( Moncrieffe and Eyben 2007 ) . Although the procedure of labelling is cardinal to human behavior and interaction ( Moncrieffe and Eyben 2007:19 ) societal workers need to be cognizant of when these labels have the possible to be detrimental, oppressive and rein forcers of favoritism. Social workers need to reflect and see what labels they give people and what impacts this may hold. Labels can be used to alter or prolong power dealingss which can hold an impact on bias and on accomplishing equality ( Moncrieffe and Eyben 2007 ) . This essay will utilize the subjects discussed so far to concentrate in on mental wellness as an country of pattern and critically explore institutionalized racism within mental wellness pattern and psychopathology. To get down I will briefly return to Thompson s ( 2012 ) PCS analysis in relation to mental wellness and race . The P degree is our ain single attitudes and feelings ( Thompson 2012 ) . Although it is of import to analyze our ain beliefs we do non populate in a moral and political vacuity ( Coppock and Dunn 2010: 8 ) . For this ground Thompson ( 2012 ) besides refers to the cultural ( C ) and structural ( S ) . P is embedded in C and C and P in S which builds up meshing beds of favoritism ; personal, cultural and structural. The C degree is where we learn our norms and values. Persons learn these values and norms through the procedure of socialization which occurs through societal establishments such as the household, faith and the media ( Haralambos and Holborn 2008 ) . These establishments can bring forth thoughts about what is considered normal or right ( Coppock and Dunn 2010 ) . From this it is non surprising that there is an attitude in society that people who experience mental wellness issues are violent and a danger to society ; even though there is no relationship between mental wellness and force ( Rogers and Pilgrim 2006 ) . However, the general media uses footings like psycho ( Ward 2012 ) or crazed gunslinger ( Perrie 2011 ) in relation to Acts of the Apostless of force creates prejudice. This bias can so be used to know apart. For illustration, a community may non desire a mental place to open nigh them as the mental people will do a menace to their community. The S degree is the degree of institutional subjugation and favoritism. Ideas that Thompson ( 2012: 34 ) refers to as being sewn in to the cloth of society . Western psychopathology is loaded with cultural values and premises that are based on western civilization ( Coppock and Dunn 2010 ) . This suggests that western and white is normality and anything that deviates from this is abnormal ( Corneau and Stergiopoulos 2012 ) , or as antecedently discussed ; other . It is the C and S degree which the essay will concentrate on more. Institutional racism explains how institutional constructions, systems and the procedure embedded in society and structures that promote racial inequality ( Jones 1997 ) . It is considered to be the corporate failure of an administration to supply an appropriate and professional service to people because of their coloring material, civilization or cultural beginning ( MacPherson 1999 ) . Jones ( cited Marlow and Loveday 2000: 30 ) goes farther than this definition to besides include Torahs, imposts, and patterns which consistently reflect and produce racial inequalities . Institutional racism is believed to be a more elusive and covert type of racism ( Bhui 2002 ) and frequently said to be unwilled ( Griffith et al 2007 ) . BME groups are otherwise represented in psychopathology ( Sashidharan 2001 ) . Peoples of African-Caribbean heritage are over represented yet people of Asiatic heritage underrepresented in mental wellness scenes ( Sashidharan 2001 ) . As BME groups deviate from the white norms they appear to have either excessively much attending or excessively small ( Sashidharan 2001 ) . This would propose that the systems which operate within psychopathology are institutionally racist. Both race and mental unwellness are societal concepts ( Thompson 1997 ; Bailey 2004 ) . Thompson ( 1997 ) argues that despite the deficiency in biological grounds for the account of racial classs it is still a widely common manner of thought. Bailey ( 2004 ) argues that mental unwellness has ever been a societal concept hence unfastened to racism and other signifiers of favoritism. The declassification of homosexualism in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM ) illustrates Bailey s ( 2004 ) point. Race instantly brings up issues around power and the relationship between what is seen as natural and social ( Westwood 2002 ) . Historically it was viewed that inequalities around race had a natural account ( Westwood 2002 ) . Race could be traced back to anthological tradition ( Rogers 2006 ; Craig et Al 2012 ) and colonial discourse with the belief that white individuality is superior ( Westwood 2002 ) and that black people are deficient civilization , barbarians and a subhuman species ( Bailey 2004: 408-409 ) . Harmonizing to Bailey ( 2004: 408 ) the effects of racism on psychopathology can be straight linked to the early stereotypes about black people originating from pseudoscientific racism . It is this pseudoscience racism ( scientific discipline which lacks scientific method or grounds ) that underpins racism in mental wellness services today ( Bailey 2004 ) . Racism has many different sides and is a multidimensional signifier of subjugation and favoritism ( Corneau and Stergiopoulos 2012 ; Thompson 2012 ) . Racism is widely known to be the cause of disparities in wellness and mental wellness ( McKenzie in Bhui 2002 ; Griffith et Al 2007 ; Craig et Al 2012 ) . BME persons find themselves voyaging their manner through a system that works from the dominant discourse of the medical theoretical account ( Corneau and Stergiopoulos 2012 ) . This allows a little sum of room for different and alternate models to dispute racism which is already ingrained in the system. To exemplify this point I will utilize an illustration from my pattern. I work with a black adult female who experiences mental wellness issues. She has religious beliefs and normally openly takes about her beliefs at place. She fears one occupant as he is really spiritual and she feels that he has special powers . I supported her to an assignment with her head-shrinker as she had begun to experience mentally unwell. He did non ask about any societal, cultural or structural factors that may impact on her mental wellness. I tried to recommend the experiences she had shared with me and reiterated what she was stating. However, he advised her that the tugging she experienced in her tummy was physical and to see a physician and increased her anti-psychotic medicine. Her religious experiences were non validated, he individualised the cause of her illness and used a medical intercession. Western psychopathology tends to divide the head from the organic structure and spirit ( Bailey 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Bailey ( 2004 ) many BME service users find this attack unhelpful and irrelevant to their experiences of mental hurt . This is because for many BME the head, organic structure and spirit work in brotherhood and the feelings and behaviors behind this is woven into people s wider being ( Bailey 2004 ) . Kortmann ( 2010 ) believes that these types of clinical intercession are frequently uneffective due to service users non-western beginning and tend to discontinue interventions earlier. For illustration, some African civilizations can believe that ictuss are cause by evil liquors ( Kortmann 2010 ) and hence do non take medicine prescribed as they do non believe it to be an unwellness. Westwood ( 2002 ) writes that the negative impact of racism can hold a important impact on an person s mental wellness. However in a recent piece of research Ayalon and Gum ( 2011 ) concluded that black older grownups experienced the highest sum of prejudiced events but there was a weaker association with this and experiences of mental wellness issues. To account for this it was concluded that BME groups experienced more events of favoritism over their life class and as a consequence have become more resilient to it ( Ayalon and Gum 2011 ) . Some authors argue that to build institutional racism as the account to the disparities in mental wellness can add to the argument and efficaciously alienate BME groups even further ( Singh and Burns 2006 ) . Singh and Burn ( 2006 ) province that, the accusal of racism within psychopathology will give service users the outlook that they will have a poorer service and this will promote service users to withdraw with services or offer voluntary admittance. What Singh and Burn ( 2006 ) are theorizing is presented by Livingstone ( 2012 ) as self-stigma ; the stigma that is present on an single degree instead than on a cultural or societal. It is the stigma that is internalised that can forestall people from entree services ( Livingstone 2012 ) and therefore, actively know aparting against one s ego. Therefore, Singh and Burns ( 2006 ) argue that persons to remain off from needed services until it is excessively late and there are few options but to confine them and implement intervention . Although Singh and Burn ( 2006 ) make a logical point they fail to recognize BME service user experiences of Mental Health Services. Bowl ( 2007 ) conducted a qualitative research to derive the positions and experiences of South Asian service users as most literature is through the lens of faculty members and professionals. The experiences of this South Asiatic group would surely propose the presence of institutional racism within Mental wellness Services. The chief countries identified were their dissatisfaction in non being understood in the appraisal procedure due to linguistic communication barriers and cultural incompetency ( Bowl 2007 ) . This misinterpretation led to misdiagnosis and refusal of services ( Bowl 2007 ) . Racism is frequently non the lone signifier of subjugation that people face. Disadvantage can happen from several countries ( Marlow and Loveday 2000 ) . BME groups sing mental wellness issues are already subjected to multiple subjugation. There is non adequate words in this essay to research this farther but wanted to admit that signifiers of subjugation are non experienced in isolation of each other. For illustration, links have been made between person s lower socio-economic position and experience of mental wellness issues and how black people can confront the added emphasis of gaining less and sing higher degrees of unemployment ( Chakraborty and McKenzie 2002 ) . This begins to exemplify the complexness and how subjugation is inextricably intertwined. Institutional racism has been highlight in a figure of Inquiries in pattern. It was foremost highlighted in the Stephen Lawrence Report in 1999 ; a black immature individual who was murdered in a racialist onslaught and yet once more in the David Bennett Inquiry in 2003 ; a black adult male who died in 1998 after being restrained faced down by several nurses for about half an hr. Lord Laming ( 2003 ) besides identified issues around racism in his Inquiry into the decease of Victoria Climbie. There is non adequate words to travel into any of these enquiries in any item but they have been included to show institutional racism in pattern in the constabulary, mental wellness service and societal work. It may look that whilst mental wellness services operate within the medical theoretical account that is catered towards the white bulk things will non alter. Institutions and systems are so hard to alter, nevertheless societal workers can work with service users to authorise, recommend, challenge and expose favoritism in services and convey approximately societal alteration. Authorization is complex in general but becomes more complex in relation to race and ethnicity ( Thompson 2007 ) . Social workers need to foremost be cognizant of institutional racism before they are able to dispute it ( Thompson 2007 ) . For societal workers to dispute institutional racism they need to dispute policies that do non turn to the demands of BME groups. To make this, societal workers need to be cognizant of the complex power dealingss and deeply deep-rooted racialist forms in society ( Thompson 2007 ) . In my pattern in a mental wellness puting I have contact with medical professionals and frequently back up services users to assignments. I find that I must keep onto my societal work values and non acquire drawn into the medical theoretical account manner of working but to stay holistic in my attack. To reason, this essay has demonstrated that favoritism is far more complex than handling person otherwise. It has focused on a more elusive, covert and indirect signifier of favoritism: institutional racism. The essay has examined the links between favoritism, racism and power and introduced the thought that mental unwellness and race are both societal concepts. It is this elusive and covert signifier of favoritism that can be damaging. It can be difficult to recognize as it is woven into the really fabric of society ( Thompson 2012 ) . However, the message in this essay is that societal workers need to recognize power dealingss, how they operate, on what degree they operate at and to dispute favoritism ( anti-discriminatory pattern ) and work with service user to authorise them to get the better of these obstructions ( anti-oppressive pattern ) . Social workers must swim against the tide and non conspire with these attitudes no affair how profoundly deep-rooted and embedded they are in society. For the societal workers that fail to make so will finally go portion of the job. Word count: 3281

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Ghost of Hamlet-Act I, Scene 5 Analysis essays

The Ghost of Hamlet-Act I, Scene 5 Analysis essays One of the first hints that something is rotten in the state of Denmark is when the viewer of Shakespeares tragedy of Hamlet spots the appearance of Old Hamlet, haunting the castle at night. Hamlets father, walking the balustrades, looks as he did when he lived, but he is motivated by only once concern now-revenge. When the former king is finally able to open his heart to Young Hamlet, Old Hamlet tells his son that he is a spirit come from purgatory. During the day he must burn fast in fires,Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature/Are burnt and purged away while during the night he walks, hungry for revenge. The reason the former king is consigned to purgatory is because he died without making a full confession of his sins, as is required of all believing Christians. While he was sleeping in his orchard, his brother poured poison in his ear, murdering him while he slept. To spur his son onto revenge his murder, the ghost plays upon Hamlets already strong dislike of his uncle. The ghost makes reference to the perverted nature of the alliance of the seemingly virtuous Gertrude and Claudius, and calls Claudius that incestuous, that adulterate beast. The ghost harps upon the lewdness of the queens action, and also implies that Claudius is evil to turn a weak-willed woman to a falling off from a greater man to a lesser man. Hamlet thus is doubly motivated, the ghost implies, as his fathers son and also as someone who should protect his mother from Claudius and from herself. The highly specific nature of how Hamlets father met his demise lends credibility to the ghosts allegations. After all, the ghost does not merely tell Hamlet to Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder, but tells Hamlet a means of murder that no one would likely surmise from the circumstances, unless he was a living or dead witne...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why You Should Use Table Topics in Your Adult Education Classroom

Why You Should Use Table Topics in Your Adult Education Classroom Teachers of adults, whether they are corporate trainers or adult education instructors, know that adults learn differently than children and come to the classroom with lots to talk about. These students have life experience and want meaningful conversation, not superficial chit-chat. When discussion is a big part of your reason for being in the classroom, use Table TopicsTM to break the ice and help people engage. Then you can move easily into your planned topic. There are several different versions of Table TopicsTM, each with 135 questions in a four-inch acrylic cube. Pass the cube around and ask your students to pick a card or two, or sort them in advance, choosing the cards that apply to your lesson plan. Pros Great questions that eliminate superficial chatter and start meaningful conversations.Conversation from just one question can last an hour. It takes a long time to work through one cube.The question cards are made of a sturdy cardboard, so theyll stay nice a long time.There are several versions in different categories.The acrylic cube looks modern, and maybe a bit hip, sitting on your coffee table at home or on your classroom shelf. Cons Each cube costs $25, a little hefty for some wallets.If youre a traveling trainer, the cubes are on the weighty side, two pounds each, but the company does make travel versions. Description Four-inch clear acrylic cube.135 conversation-starting questions.A variety of categories from which to choose. Expert Review I picked up my first box of Table TopicsTM on a whim while shopping in one of those funky little shops you see in the artsy parts of any city. A four-inch clear acrylic cube holds 135 cards, each with a provocative question that is sure to inspire lively conversation. I bought the Original cube. It has questions like: What would you most like to do for someone else if you had the money and time?What fashion trend you followed was very cool then, but now looks ridiculous?If you could have any view from your back porch, what would it be? Tim and I still talk about the conversations that were inspired the first evening we opened the cube. He talked about his most memorable meal at Mothers in New Orleans. Were heading back soon to recreate that experience. Since then, Ive purchased the Gourmet and Spirit cubes. The Gourmet cube is fun if youre a foodie like Tim. Its full of questions like: Do you have a food philosophy?To what degree do you eat local, organic, sustainably grown food?Which cooking shows do you watch? Some people can talk about food forever. This cube is for them. The Spirit cube has more questions that I would consider religious rather than spiritual, so there are some I put back without answering, which is usually against my own personal rules, but there are also some very good ones: What makes something sacred?Is there value in suffering?Would you like to know how and when youll die? The Original cube is clearly my favorite. Its scope is broader and its topics are ones more appropriate for a general group of people, especially those who are strangers. In the classroom, unless youre teaching a specific topic covered by Table TopicsTM, Id go with the Original cube. Be sure to check out the Table Topics ice breaker!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chile and copper mining Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chile and copper mining - Research Paper Example The nation is now considered one of the fastest growing economies in the 1990s as it has successfully survived moments of economic instability3. It is a nation which currently faces the challenge of having to diversify its copper-dependent economy into other sources of income and of implementing a more equal distribution of wealth4. As for its geography, Chile has a ribbon like shape which has given the country a diverse climate. Its northern parts (Atacama) are dry deserts; its center, exhibits a Mediterranean weather; and its Southern areas experience snowy weather5. Most of Chile nationals have a mixed Spanish and indigenous descent6. In 2010, the country had an estimated population of about 16.6 million, with the median age of the citizens at 31.7 years, and with a population growth rate of 0.881%7. Its rate of urbanization is also estimated at 1.3% based on 2005 to 2010 estimates. Most of its citizens are Chilean nationals, and its ethnic groupings include white and white Amerindians at 95.4%; Mapuche at 4%; and other indigenous groups at 0.6%8. The country’s religions include Roman Catholics at 70%; Evangelicals at 15%; Jehovah’s Witness at 1.1% and other Christians at 4.6%9. Their languages include Spanish, Mapudungun, German, and English10. The country’s literacy rate is at 15 years of age. Basic economic facts about the country reveal that its nominal GDP is at 169.5 billion US dollars with a GDP per head of 10,123 US dollars and an annual growth of 4.0%11. The Chilean peso is pegged at an average of 1US$ to 529 pesos. Their inflation rate is at 0.5% and their unemployment rate is at 7.7%12. Their major industries include copper mining, as well as gold, nitrates, molybdenum, iron, and silver mining13. In considering the country’s foreign relations, Chile has had historical conflicts with its neighbors for many years now.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stakeholder Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stakeholder Theory - Essay Example Stakeholders include shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities in which the firm operates-a collection that Freeman terms the "big five." The very purpose of the firm, according to this view, is to serve and coordinate the interests of its various stakeholders. It is the moral obligation of the firm's managers to strike an appropriate balance among the five interests in directing the activities of the firm. This understanding of the firm's purpose and its management's obligations diverges sharply from the understanding advanced in the shareholder theory of the firm. According to shareholder theorists such as Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman, managers ought to serve the interests of the firm's owners, the shareholders. Social obligations of the firm are limited to making good on contracts, obeying the law, and adhering to ordinary moral expectations. In short, obligations to nonshareholders stand as side constraints on the pursuit of shareholder interests. This is the view that informs American corporate law and that Friedman defends in his 1970 New York Times Magazine essay, "The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits." (Thomas. J. Donaldson, 1994) Stakeholder theory seeks to overthrow the shareholder orientation of the firm.