Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Research Methods (SPSS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Business Research Methods (SPSS) - Essay Example As a rule, a strategy that one plans to do will quite often be done (Ajzen and Fishbein 1975). The key expansion present in the later Theory of Planned Behavior as clarified by Miller (2005) is that apparent social control currently becomes possibly the most important factor. The purpose for said expansion is that while individuals may truly need to finish on a specific strategy, they may come up short on the certainty or control to do as such, or are in any case being kept down by different factors â⬠to cite the Bible, ââ¬Ëthe soul might be willing, yet the tissue is weakââ¬â¢. A case where this comes to play can undoubtedly be found on account of somebody who attempts and neglects to consume less calories. Just the individuals who are taught enough can really prevail in this undertaking; very regularly, almost certainly, the individual will inevitably capitulate to the enticement of gorging. Obviously for this situation, one needs the social control to state ââ¬Ënoâ⠬⢠to the appearing alarm call of the smorgasbord table and to concentrate on his eating routine. As it were, it isn't simply oneââ¬â¢s individual mentalities and recognitions that presently choose what one will do. While these still mean something, and in truth are as yet the integral factor in whether a specific activity will be done, social weights and oneââ¬â¢s feeling of control will currently consider for something great. Along these lines, oneââ¬â¢s choices are not, at this point exclusively subject to his own recognitions and sentiments on the circumstance. Rather, one will presently consider how society sees the separate decisions within reach, and how well he can submit or finish on a given result (Cooke and Sheeran 2004). The last part is particularly significant â⬠which is the purpose behind its expansion to the hypothesis in any case. As referenced by the previously mentioned Bible refrain, we may not generally finish on an activity that we are slanted to wards (Armitage and Conner 2001). Something else, for example, people ought to have had the option to in a flash finish on their aim to go in a specific direction. Somebody who wanted to stop smoking should have the option to do so promptly, however might be hampered by questions on whether he will have the option to stop â⬠if this occurs, he truly won't have the option to stop. That, however oneââ¬â¢s saw and accordingly real conduct control can likewise be influenced by the observations and assessments of people around him, which may here and there show, in addition to other things, as companion pressure (Ajzen 1985). As anybody, in actuality, will concede, family members, companions and associates unintentionally influence their choices in voicing out their own perspectives on the issue. All things considered, a portion of these people will have more effect on choices concerning certain regions; for instance, choices in regards to oneââ¬â¢s family will obviously be affe cted most by family members and family, as they are the ones legitimately concerned. Also, therefore, the greatest impact on oneââ¬â¢s profession moves will be his supervisors and associates. Normal practices, then again, are significantly more shifted, being depicted by Schulz et al (2007) as being either illustrative or injunctive in nature. Engaging standards portray the conduct of a specific gathering, and incorporate cliché articulations, for example, how x out of y individuals lean toward a specific brand, or something comparative. In the mean time, injunctive standards are increasingly unpretentious, and allude to specific prompts or signals about how a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Resistence to Genetically Modified Foods Essay -- GMOs, Genetically Mod
Presentation This report tries to look at the reasons for opposing hereditarily adjusted (GM) food on the planet. There have been protection from hereditarily adjusted food have been going on since is business creation started in mid 1990ââ¬â¢s (Glass-O'Shea, 2011). The European Union has been postponing choice to permit ranchers to present GM food crops in their homesteads or importation of GM nourishments without naming when contrasted with the North American partners. This report explores the significant reasons for supported protection from GM food, the impacts of this issue and potential suggestions to mellow this position. Reasons for protection from hereditarily adjusted food There have been fears that hereditarily adjusted food could have extensive wellbeing impacts in after a delayed time of utilization. A few examinations showed that different life forms are influenced by the hereditarily changed food (Macek, Kotrba, Svatos, Novakova, Demnerova, and Mackova, 2008). Numerous pioneers particularly in creating nations are worry that hereditarily adjusted food is a ploy to advance some specific partnerships in created nations. These are principle purposes behind opposing hereditarily altered food Unsafe for human utilizations There is a developing worry that the organizations that are engaged with creation of hereditarily adjusted food don't lead broad research on antagonistic impact to people. This contributes substantial why the European Union (EU) is especially delayed in choosing to permit cultivating of hereditarily changed food crops. Since nourishments may contain different materials that don't have any dietary benefits, there should an autonomous investigation on impacts to people after utilization (Kuiper, Kleter, Noteburn, and Kok, 2001). It isn't clear who supports the r... ...3. Glass-O'Shea, B. (2011). The History and Future of Genetically Modified Crops: Frankenfoods, Superweeds, and the Developing World. Diary of Food Law and Policy, 7. Kuiper, H. A., Kleter, G. A., Noteburn, H. P. J. M., and Kok, E. J. (2001). Appraisal of the sanitation issues identified with hereditarily changed nourishments. Plant Journal. 27, 503ââ¬528 Legge Jr, J. S., and Durant, R. F. (2010). Popular sentiment, chance appraisal, and biotechnology: exercises from perspectives toward hereditarily changed nourishments in the European Union. Survey of Policy Research, 27(1), 59-76. Qaim, M. (2009). The financial aspects of hereditarily adjusted harvests. Yearly Review of Resource Economics, 1. 665ââ¬693 Macek, T., Kotrba, P., Svatos, A., Novakova, M., Demnerova, K., and Mackova, M. (2008). Novel jobs for hereditarily adjusted plants in ecological insurance. Patterns in biotechnology, 26(3), 146-152.
Friday, August 14, 2020
More On The Interview
More On The Interview⦠I wanted to offer a few more comments on the interview. While we have a diverse group of ECs (just like the MIT student body) and they may have somewhat different styles of how the conversations will go, the main point of these meetings is for us to learn about the things that interest you and the way you go about pursuing those interests. The interviews are also a good chance for you to learn more about MIT from someone whos been a student there. College admissions is all about the match and these conversations are a way for you and for us to learn about each other in that regard. To that end, there is no expectation that you should have to prepare anything special for the interview. You should be prepared to talk about the things that interest you and the way you pursue those interests, and think about why MIT would be a good place for you. But those are things that you should be doing for the application, anyway. The interview is simply a way for you to tell us in person. Some ECs may suggest you bring resumes, some might suggest that you bring something else of interest to your interview. This is not a requirement or an expectation â" remember that most students dont have resumes or other things â" but if you have something, feel free to bring it. Also remember that there are no right or wrong things to talk about in the interview. There is no one profile of student we are looking for â" MIT students have extremely diverse interests â" and we dont value one type of activity over another. You dont need to have pulled a child from a burning building or have solved any of the worlds major problems; nobody else has. Whatever it is that you like to do is great just as it is. You dont need to glitz it up or embellish in any way. You dont have to set yourself apart from your classmates (common advice you might hear from college counselors). If you love to play the violin, play the violin even if your many of your classmates do as well. You dont need to take up the crumhorn to look different. What the ECs are looking to learn about you is simply what it is that you enjoy doing, and how you have gone about doing those things. Remember that these meetings are supposed to be fun â" after all, what could be more fun than talking about things that you love to do! More On The Interview⦠Please note that, as of August 2018, our process for assigning interviews has changed (though Stus observations on the demands of our interviewers remains accurate). A description of the current interview process is posted here. The deadline to contact your EC has passed for early action applicants. But if you are an early action applicant who has not yet contacted your EC, you should still do so! Your EC will still conduct an interview with you, write a report, and submit it as part of your application. With the deadline having passed, we cannot guarantee that your interview will be considered at the beginning of the early action round but it will be reviewed and added to your application when we receive it. Remember that our alumni interviewers are volunteers and have jobs, families, and other commitments. They sometimes travel or are otherwise unavailable for brief periods, and this can happen unexpectedly. If you have been trying to connect with your EC for some time and have been unable to reach him or her, please write to [emailprotected] and tell us; we will assign you to another EC who is available. Some of you may live in areas where we dont have alumni (or enough alumni so that we can accommodate everyones request for an interview). In these cases, your interview may be waived. (You should know that we pull out students whose interviews have been waived from the admit-rate statistics for applicants with interview vs. applicants without interview.) If your interview has been waived, you do have another option. If you will be visiting campus sometime this fall or winter, you can interview with an alum in the Boston/Cambridge area. You should write to [emailprotected] and tell us that you will be coming to campus well assign you to an EC in the vicinity of MIT. Note that you dont need to make a special trip here; this is only if you are planning to visit anyway. You should only take advantage of this if your interview was initially waived; if we have an EC available for you near your home, its best for you to interview with them. If you havent yet contacted your EC whether you are applying early or regular you should do so soon! And have fun with it!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Translating the Spanish Verb Probar to English
Although the Spanish verb probar comes from the same Latin word as the English verb prove, it has a much wider range of meanings than the English word. It carries with it the idea not only of verifying that something is true, valid or suitable, but also of testing or trying to determine if that is the case. In fact, it can more often be translated as to test or to try than as to prove. Probar Meaning To Prove When it means to prove, probar is often followed by que: Hernando de Magallanes probà ³ que la Tierra es redonda. (Ferdinand Magellan proved that the Earth is round.) Los cientà ficos probaron que el cerebro de los sicà ³patas es biolà ³gicamente diferente. (The scientists proved that the brain of psychopaths is biologically different.) Si pides asilo polà tico en cualquier lugar, tienes que probar que hay persecucià ³n polà tica. (If you ask for political asylum anywhere, you have to prove that there is political persecution.) A veces tengo la sensacià ³n que alguien me observa, pero no puedo probarlo. (Sometimes I have the feeling that someone is watching me, but I cant prove it.) Probar Meaning To Test or To Try Probar is used in a wide variety of contexts to refer to the trying or testing of an item or activity. The context will determine whether try or test is a suitable translation, although often either one can be used. Los cientà ficos probaron la tà ©cnica en ratones diabà ©ticos. (The scientists tested the technique on diabetic mice.) Se probà ³ el mà ©todo tradicional empleado en el laboratorio. (The traditional method used in the laboratory was tried.) Se probà ³ la droga en catorce personas. (The drug was tested on 14 people.) Cuando la compaà ±Ã a probà ³ Windows Server, vio importantes beneficios. (When the company tried Windows Server, it saw important advantages.) Una patata chiquita querrà a volar. Probaba y probaba y no podà a volar. (A little potato wanted to fly. She tried and she tried and she could not fly.) Using Probar in Reference to Food and Clothing Probar is very commonly used when referring to tasting food or putting on clothing, usually but not necessarily to see whether it is suitable. In a few cases, as in the final example below, it can refer to a habitual action rather than a single event. As in the examples below, it is very common to use the reflexive form, probarse, when referring to the trying on of clothing. Yo no querrà a probar los saltamontes fritos. (I didnt want to taste the fried grasshoppers.) Esta sopa de pollo es muy cicatrizante y te ayudarà ¡. à ¡Prà ³bala! (This chicken soup is very healing and will help you. Taste it!) Marco llegà ³ y rà ¡pidamente se probà ³ la camisa oficial del equipo. (Marco arrived and quickly tried on the teams official shirt.) Cenicienta se probà ³ la zapatilla de cristal. (Cinderella put on the crystal slipper.) Alejandra no prueba la carne porque piensa que es mà ¡s sano ser vegetariana. (Alejandra doesnt eat meat because she believes it is healthier to be a vegetarian.) In the negative form when referring to food or drink, probar can indicate that the person doesnt consume the product at all. No pruebo la carne de caballo. (I dont eat horse meat.) Phrases Using Probar The most common phrase using probar is obligacià ³n de probar, a legal term meaning burden of proof. En Estados Unidos, el fiscal tiene la obligacià ³n de probar. (In the United States, the prosecutor has the burden of proof.) Probar suerte typically means to try ones luck. Nuestra hija prueba suerte en Hollywood. (Our daughter is trying her luck in Hollywood.)
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
My Understanding Of Affirmative Action - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2997 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Affirmative Action Essay Did you like this example? In the novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the African American protagonist gets expelled from his university after showing the schoolââ¬â¢s white donor the reality of the slums. This crushes the narratorââ¬â¢s belief of carefully adhering to white supremacist rule and his dream of using education as a stepping stone to escape poverty is shattered. He is forced to move to the South, where he realizes he is invisible because of the way whites and blacks treat him. à As an Asian student, I cannot directly relate to the narrator in the context of race, but I can empathize as a student of color. Throughout the novel, the Invisible Man is concerned with being unseen because of his race. The wealthy white folks use the narrator as a charity case, while the blacks see him as another soldier eager to serve the new social order. He is shown the reality of being disposable and how people can never truly see him past his skin color. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Understanding Of Affirmative Action" essay for you Create order At a school that is 65% Asian, I identify with what it means to be ââ¬Å"just another Asian studentâ⬠and often remain unseen because people group me with the masses, instead of seeing me as an individual. In Invisible Man, the political organization, the Brotherhood, attempt to force the Invisible Man to think and have the same beliefs as the organization. Similarly, society often forces the notion upon me that I should think and inherently have the same viewpoints as other Asians as well. The Invisible Man and I are both blind to other people because they see us as only our race, preventing others from completely understanding our identity. Instead, this forces individuals to resort to using stereotypes to complete our narrative and prevents others from acknowledging the racial tensions that empower minorities to share their experiences. The process of applying to higher education institions illustrates to me, this conflict. I intend to apply to many colleges, and there is currently a lawsuit that highlights the inequality of the admissions process. Although affirmative action, the act of promoting the education and employment for those that have been historically discriminated against, suggest that a spot at this prestigious university is guaranteed to a student of color that excels academically, this is not the case. A third way of evaluating college admissions that is being considered in the application process is to holistically examine merit and race, in combination with disclosed extenuating circumstances, that could be widely used in the future to provide equity without resorting to stereotypes. The application process at Harvard and many other Ivy Leagues in general have always been competitive. For Harvardââ¬â¢s class of 2021, the admittance rate was a meager 5.9%ââ¬â out of the record number 42,742 students that applied, 2,056 got in and 40,686 were rejected. In recent years, the college has been praised for its consideration of students from diverse backgrounds due to the vast increase in Asian American and African American students accepted and applicants from low-income and first-generation backgrounds. In fact, the trend of Harvard admitting students from minority backgrounds really began to rise with the admittance of the class of 2018. ââ¬Å"The Class of 2018 reflects the excellence achieved by the students of an increasingly diverse America,â⬠said William R. Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid. ââ¬Å"Attracting such students to the College is vital to Harvardââ¬â¢s mission of educating the future leaders of our nation.â⬠However, while the percentages of white students admitted has been following a downward trend (2017, 61.7% white; 2021, 52.1% white) from the predominantly white institution, Asian activists have stated that the application process has been discriminatory towards Asians by pitting them against other minorities and having them compete for spots in the distinguished university (Harvard University Admissions and Financial Aid). Thus, the alleged consistent discrimination against Asian American students has led Student for Fair Admissions (SFA), a coalition of students and parents that stand against racial preferences in the college application process, to sue Harvard University on November 2014. They claimed Harvard was in direct violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made discrimination on account of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, illegal. In particular, they wanted to highlight the policy of affirmative action from the Act that was passed to ensure equal representation in education and schools, but now has been used against Asian Americans by favoring other minorities and according to the rejected students ââ¬Å"penalizing their high achievements as a group.â⬠During the trial, Fitzsimmons revealed that recruitment letters were only sent to African Americans that scored around 1100 while Asian Americans were sent one only if they scored 1350 for women and 1380 for menââ¬â at least a 250 point difference out of the total score of 1600 (Eustachewich). Fitzsimmons challenged the notion that this was racism by stating that this policy would ââ¬Å"break the cycleâ⬠by targeting racial groups that normally wouldnââ¬â¢t consider applying. Every year, around 4,910 Asian American, 1,938 African American, 2,082 Hispanic American, and 8,685 white students apply to Harvard. Yet, Asian Americans have the lowest rate of acceptance of any racial groups from 1995 to 2013 in data revealed during the Harvard trial. Asian Americans had an acceptance rate of 8.1%, Hispanic American had an acceptance rate of 10.6%, 13.2% for African Americans, and 11.1% for white students (Yonah and McCafferty). The university has also been criticized for lowering the SAT cut off scores for Hispanic and African American students. According to data released in court documents, Asian American students admitted to Harvard consistently had the highest SAT score and averaged 767 out of the sectional total score of 800 from 2000 to 2017. By comparison, white students had an average score of 745 (22 points difference), Hispanic American students had an average score 718 (49 points difference), and African Americans had an average score of 704 (63 points difference) (Yonah and McCafferty). Furthermore, Harvard admission officers have been condemned for using harmful stereotypes to characterize Asian American students: ââ¬Å"Oh, typical Asian student. Wants to be a doctor. Nothing special here.â⬠was written in an applicantââ¬â¢s files (Li). Admission officers ranked Asian Americans low in personality traits and said Asian students lacked courage, a likeable personality, compassion, and were seen as less ââ¬Å"widely respected.â⬠This has drawn criticism from many Asian Americans who feel that the anti-Asian bias of Harvard exacerbates the stereotypes of Asian Americans being non-unique, meek, and replaceable in American society and the academic environment (Li).à Harvard has garnered criticism from many Asian American activist groups for favoring other minority groups, thus making the lawsuit primarily focused on whether race should be completely eliminated from admission policiesââ¬â a ââ¬Å"race- blindâ⬠admission. The outcome of the court case has been closely watched by other universities because it could influence their own admission policies and has lead the Justice Department to open a full-on investigation on the admission policies of the most competitive schools in America, including Harvard (Adams). When affirmative action was first passed in an executive order by President John F. Kennedy, ità was intended to address the inequalities for many minorities who were previously barred from job opportunities. Because they have traditionally been stereotyped to fit particular careers or interests, the policy was intended to encourage diversity and give minorities a chance to show their skills in job sectors where they were previously not represented.à The Civil Rights Act of 1964 expanded on the executive order and prevented racial segregation in schools. This allowed students from disadvantaged backgrounds, often minorities, the opportunity to attend universities that previously made it difficult for them to do so. For example, SAT and ACT tests are required by universities. Yet, improvements are shown only when students retake it several times, which low-income students are unable to afford to do so (Gorgan). In addition, low-income students often do not have the privileges th at wealthy students often seekââ¬â private tutors, test prep and extracurriculars, that can really make a difference in oneââ¬â¢s application. Affirmative action attempted to understand students achievements based on their circumstances. Critiques of a race-blind policy also state that university relying on test scores and grades are outdated because while it measures academic intelligenceââ¬â it can never reveal life skills such as the resilience and challenge students have to go through. Accordingly to Parker Gorgan, staff columnist for the Crimson White: ââ¬Å"The challenges faced by various socioeconomic statuses, which in America is highly correlated with race, does not indicate a difference in intellectual ability, but rather a difference in circumstances and, thereby, opportunities.â⬠Low-income students that score lower on tests are not given the opportunity to show their true potential because of their economic circumstances, so solely looking at their test scores is not an accurate measure of their contribution to a class environment. In John Icelandââ¬â¢s book Poverty in America those that historically faced discrimination and segregation had the highest poverty rates and were less educated. E specially, because of Americaââ¬â¢s racist past, minorities are more likely to face low levels of education, employment, income, and chronic health problems. Affirmative action wanted to increase the opportunities for those who were underserved.à According to statistics compiled by the New York Times, minority students accepted were vastly lower in schools that made the decision not to factor in an applicantââ¬â¢s race during the admission process, which did not correlate with the expanding number of minority high school graduates. In addition, proponents of affirmative action says that if Harvard admissions were race-blind, there would be a overwhelming Asian majority, which is what occurred when admission officers did not factor in race (Fessenden, Keller). The race-blind policy prevented schools from fully understanding the story of an individual and a key part of their identity, detracting from the purpose of a college application.à Others have stated that the favoritism towards Hispanic Americans and African Americans, essentially downplays the struggles that Asians have faced. By perpetuating the idea that Asians are the ââ¬Å"model minorityâ⬠and have the same advantages whites have, the favoritism erases the discrimination that Asians have constantly had to fight against. For example, the ââ¬Å"Oriental Schoolâ⬠established for Chinese students (later Korean and Japanese students) in San Francisco 1859 was intended to segregate Asians from attending any other schools in San Francisco. The regulation was only formally redacted two years ago, in 2017, after almost 100 years have passed when San Francisco ended school segregation in 1871 (Fuchs). By stating that Asians students are the model minority, people forget about the history of Anti-Asian sentiments, namely the Chinese Exclusion Act that prevented the immigration of Chinese laborers or the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Favoritism of other minorities causes individuals to ignore attacks on Asians and downplay the seriousness of the situation. For example, in a 2017 report by BBC news, Chinese students in Columbia University were targeted and had their name tags ripped off in their dorms because their names sounded foreign and were hard to pronounce (Toomey). In 2018, Students at Washington University made anti-Asian remarks in a group chat: ââ¬Å"Why are Asians invading our study room?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Fuck thereââ¬â¢s one in my room too.â⬠à (Whitford) The stereotype of Asians ââ¬Å"taking overâ⬠has its roots in the ââ¬Å"yellow perilâ⬠stereotype and invokes images of a foreign invasion. This continues the negative vie w that Asians Americans are un-American or foreign. Whenever there is an overabundance of minorities at a school, they face issues of belonging. I have certainly faced it at Lowell High School where I am part of the student body that comprises of the schoolââ¬â¢s 65% Asian population. As reported by US News World Report, the student body comprises of 15% white, 10% Hispanic, and 2% African American. When people say that Lowell has a large Asian population, they often say it in a demeaning way and blame Asians as the root cause for why there is not more diversity. They make the assumption that I benefited from the advantages in my home life, my parents are well off, and my space should be reserved for other minorities because they donââ¬â¢t have the same advantages that I do. à However, I do not come from a wealthy background. In fact, my parents are non-English speaking immigrants. I am low income and first-gen, live in government subsidized housing, and am part of the free or reduced lunch program at school. I take the bus for four hours everyday just to get to and from school. I live in a neighborhood that has the highest crime rate and drug usage in the city. Yet, I do the best I can in striving towards a higher education for a better future for my family and did the best I could in my public middle school to get accepted to this school. But because people believe the model minority myth, Asians are often seen as not the intended recipient for affirmative action and I am unable to get the help I need to be successful.à By categorizing Asians as a group that already has lots of privileges, admission officers are quick to make judgement and have a incomplete story of students. For example, in a report by New York Times, Southeast Asian communities have poverty rates equal to Black and Latino communities and many are strong supporters of affirmative action. Yet, they are not considered Asian most of the time and are reported to face more discrimination than other Asians in the United States and their political issues never receive widespread news coverage. The categorization of Asians being the ââ¬Å"model minorityâ⬠has easily been taken advantage of using affirmative action (Guan). Many have also criticized affirmative action for essentially downplaying the academic efforts of a student because their race was a determining factor for admission. This was the argument in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) where Bakke, a white man, sued the UCs citing that he had been rejected at the University of Davis twice because of his race. Bakke contended that his merits in GPA and test scores were significantly higher than any minorities admitted during those two years he applied but the University had a affirmative action system that guaranteed admission for 16 ââ¬Å"qualified minoritiesâ⬠out of a class of 100 students that prevented him from being accepted (Oyez). The Supreme Court maintained that affirmative action was constitutional but quotas were illegal because it didnââ¬â¢t comply with the Fourteenth Amendment, which ensures that all individuals have equal rights, privileges, and protection. However, the Court stated that there is a reasonable way for race to be considered in admissions to ensure diversity and highlighted the efforts of Harvardââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"race-consciousâ⬠admissions where if the application team determined that a studentââ¬â¢s race would enrich the diversity and experience of the class, then they would be selected over other candidates who may have higher academic scores (MBA Crystal Ball). The student would be able to provide viewpoints, perspectives, and stories that their peers may not necessarily be exposed to. This ensures that students are able to become leaders in an increasingly diverse society and participate in discussions as informed students. More recently in the Fisher v. University of Texas (2013, 2016) case, the first court ruling cited that the University of Texas should strive for more race neutral alternatives to admissions after Fisher, a white student, was denied. However, the ruling was overturned in 2016 after the Supreme Court found that race played a small role in the ââ¬Å"holisticâ⬠review of applicants. According to US News World report, a closer look at UTââ¬â¢s admission policies found that even if race was considered, it was not the deciding factor in the outcome. Their approach evaluated other factors such as the the candidates community service and socioeconomic status as well (Camera). à Other detractors for affirmative action state that it is unfair for students to be given an advantage based solely on their skin color rather than the obstacles and circumstances they have faced. This means that students who may not need the help of affirmative action are receiving it. In addition, the notion of giving favorability based on skin color has lead many to term affirmative action: ââ¬Å"reverse discriminationâ⬠because it necessitates an illegal quota value instead of looking at merits and standards.à Opponents of the affirmative action also criticize the diversity argument because it reinforces the stereotype that women and minorities can only thrive if given unfair advantages over others. This is highlighted in two of the Supreme Court judges differing opinions. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic judge on the Supreme Court, supports affirmative action and has admitted that affirmative action helped her get into Princeton and Yale, while Justice Clarence Thomas, the second African-American judge on the Supreme Court, has said he always felt ââ¬Å"inferior to white studentsâ⬠and wished he never revealed his race during his admission to Yale. Thomas has stated that the argument for affirmative actionââ¬â¢s educational benefits is a ââ¬Å"faddish theory and promotes segregationâ⬠(Barro). Many opponents of affirmative action also state that it also is unhelpful because of the ââ¬Ëmismatch theoryââ¬â¢ which postulates minorities who are admitted because of affirmative action are unable to be on par with the expectations of the school and are often behind in comparison to their peersââ¬â in graduation rates, academic grades, and income. According to Inside Higher Ed, African American and Hispanics are 1.5 times more likely to dropout of college with links to affirmative action. In a 2005 study published by Inside Higher Ed, 52% of African American students at Yale were at the bottom tenth of their classes because many were unable to handle their course load (Tate). In addition, many believe that minority gain from affirmative action but studies have shown that white women benefit the most and are amongst its fiercest opponents. According to the California Senate Government Organization Committee, the first two decades after affirmative action was passed, there was a rise in white women in careers, especially in managerial positions (Massie). White women comprised of 57,250 managerial positions compared to African Americans who had 10,500, Latinos 19,000, and Asian Americans 24,600. In a 2014 survey conducted by Cooperative Congressional Election Study, 70% of white women said they somewhat or strongly opposed affirmative action.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History of McDonaldââ¬â¢s Free Essays
McDonaldââ¬â¢s with about 30.000 restaurants in 121 countries; was founded in 1948 at San Bernardino, USA. Its business goals are satisfied employees, more satisfied guests and a better economy. We will write a custom essay sample on History of McDonaldââ¬â¢s or any similar topic only for you Order Now They consider employees as their main asset and accordingly, have undertaken human resource programs and practices called the ââ¬Å"People Promiseâ⬠.à Their success was due to quality, quick service, cleanliness and value for money. In 1997, McDonaldââ¬â¢s divided its HR into three groups: the Service Center, HR Business Partners and the HR Design Center. The HR Design Center employs HR experts who develop, test and implement systems applicable to employeesââ¬â¢ tools, which are at the forefront of research and which are designed to improve overall business results. The Measurement and Organizational Effectiveness group deals with employee commitment surveys in order to standardize relevant data, to study practices and approaches that affect turnover, productivity, customer satisfaction, sales and profitability. I-O psychologists have played a critical role in Leadership Assessment and Development, which deals with the executive succession planning process, senior management feedback and coaching and other senior leadership development programs. Implementing competency-based people systems, McDonaldââ¬â¢s has realized intellectual capital by helping each person deliver business results. This is the People Promise initiative, which identifies metrics that relate to the success of this key strategy. In addition to conducting job analyses and test validation studies, I ââ¬â O psychologists also construct and assess methodologies appropriate for capturing critical factors that measure overall business success. ââ¬Å"I-O psychologists at McDonaldââ¬â¢s are now, in a position to enact a key role in defining the landscape, identifying the key signposts and measuring how far an organization has gone to reach its overall goalsâ⬠(Matt Barney, July 2001). McDonaldââ¬â¢s attaches great importance to imparting knowledge about the benefits of a balanced diet and active lifestyle not only to its customers but also to its employees. Recently, Peter Beresford, CEO of the UK wing of McDonaldââ¬â¢s, endeavor has been to improve communications. He has initiated a number of pioneering measures like ââ¬ËAsk Peterââ¬â¢, a direct e-mail, ââ¬ËTown Hallsââ¬â¢, a monthly live online event where board members answer questions from staff, and the MDUK staff magazine. The employees have welcomed these changes whole heartedly (HR Challenges. 6th September 2005). Sources HR challenges â⬠¦ Iââ¬â¢m lovinââ¬â¢ it., 6th September 2005. Retrieved 19th April 2006, formââ¬â¢m+lovinââ¬â¢+it.htm Matt Barney, Macro, Meso, Micro: McDonaldââ¬â¢s, Retrieved April 17, 2006 from à How to cite History of McDonaldââ¬â¢s, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Interpersonal Relationships - Teams - and Team Building
Question: Describe about the Interpersonal Relationships, Teams, and Team Building? Answer: Introduction Event management is a fruitful platform for promoting any social cause (Rogers and Davidson 2015). The event arrangements are promoting the social causes like contributing money for earth quake or flood victims. The study is associated with an arrangement of the event by UNICEF, which promotes the social cause of collecting money for the victims of earthquake in Nepal. UNICEF has been providing the fair chance to each child to grow in life (UNICEF 2016). It is to be noted that only $55 can provide the emergency water kits to almost 5 families in Nepal ( 2016). The funds will be raised through several activities undertaken in this event management. The structured time schedule will be provided in this study. The involvement of the required resources will be incorporated accordingly. The structured process of undertaking an event will be discussed through presenting a documentary elaboration. Time Scale Days Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Saturday Speech delivery by a renowned anchor Dance Performance by the school students who are associated with UNICEF Delivery of speech regarding the social cause by the celebrity Lighting candles and praying for the victims who lost their lives in Nepal Earthquake Providing feasible snacks for the audiences Ending with the contribution for victims. (Clothes, money, medicines, etc.) Sunday Host appearance and delivery speech. Introduction of the day activity Act will be performed by the school students. The act will represent the social cause and express the condition of the earthquake victims General quiz competition for the audiences The charity head of UNICEF will deliver the speech related to the cause Providing the batches and certificates for the donators of this social cause Collecting funds for the victims Table 1: Time Scheduling for the Event (Source: Created by Author) Documentation of the event plan The event will be organised in the weekends, as most of the people are available to attend it. Moreover, this can be taken into account as the refreshment programme, which can be attended after spending a hectic weekdays schedule. The programme will start in the evening at 5:30 pm and will end at 9:30 pm. The first event will be organised on Saturday. The event will be starting with the speech delivery of a renowned anchor who will present a speech regarding the social cause of donating funds for the victims in Nepal. This particular activity will be followed by the cultural dance performance of the school students who are associated with UNICEF. After the dance performance, one of the celebrities will share some words for this social cause. There will be a programme for half an hour and the audience will light up the candles and pray for the people who lost their lives in the earthquake. The audience will get some snacks break arranged by UNICEF. Finally, the day will end with the c ontribution of the audience for the earthquake victims. The audience can contribute anything like clothes, medicines, money, etc. The event on Sunday will again start with the speech delivery of the host and the person will make people aware of the activities that are going to be performed on that day. The school students associated with the social cause arranged by UNICEF will perform a social act, which will signify the condition of the victims in Nepal Earthquake. After this social act, a general quiz competition will be arranged for the audience. Even the prize will be provided to the people who will answer correctly. This activity will be followed by the speech delivery programme of the charity head of UNICEF. The organisers will then provide several batches and certificates to the contributors for this social cause. The ceremony will end up by collecting the minimal contributions for the victims. The funds will be collected through the events will then be provided for the welfare of the children in Nepal. In fact, a quality amount extracted from the entry fees of the auditorium will be provided as the fun ds. Resources for the Event The event would be organised in the community auditorium. The decoration of the stage is needed to be ensured. The assembly of the people would be required. Therefore, it is important to distribute the leaflets and posters for making people aware of the event. The event includes the appearance of the celebrity guests, hosts, and musical instruments for their performance. The investments of the appropriate monetary resources are also much necessary. Prizes are needed to be associated for the people who will answer the quiz questions. Candles for the praying sessions, costumes for the performers, batches and certificates for the donators are needed to be arranged. Arrangements of the feasible snacks are also needed to be associated. The school students will be presenting their performances regarding the cause. The volunteers will arrange the people who will be visiting the event on the weekends. Regular Reviews and Evaluations Saturday Activity Activities (Saturday) Methods Resources Opening speech by the Anchor The anchor would describe the purpose of the event. The people will be aware of the social cause behind the organised events. Anchor, Microphone Dance Performance by Kids The school students will present a dance performance with the cultural songs. School students, costumes, music system, musical instruments, jewelleries. Speech delivery by the Celebrity One of the celebrities will provide the speeches related to the social cause. The person can present various performances as per audiences demands. Mike, required instruments Lighting candles for the people who lost their lives in the disaster The audience will pray and light the candles in the memories of the earthquake victims who lost their lives. Candles Snacks break The organiser will provide some snacks to the audiences during the break time Snacks Contributions of the money, clothes, etc. The audience will contribute several commodities for the victims in Nepal. Clothes, medicines, and other commodities. Table 2: Saturday Activities (Source: Created by Author) Sunday Activity Activities (Sunday) Methods Resources Host appearance Opening speech by the host. The host will make the audience aware of the activities that are going to be performed on that same day Microphone. Performance of an act by the school students The act will be providing the social message to the audience about the condition of the victims in Nepal earthquake Costumes, decorations Quiz Competition General quiz will be asked to the audiences. The quiz will be based on the general knowledge Prize for the audiences who will answer correctly Speech delivery of the charity head The charity head of UNICEF will deliver a speech regarding the social cause Microphone Table 3: Sunday Activities (Source: Created by Author) Setting up the Project Project Set up Completion Time Allocate responsibilities Arrangements of the auditorium Monday- Tuesday Organiser of the event Decorations for the auditorium Wednesday- Friday Event Decorators Collecting the essentials (Different Resources) Wednesday - Friday Event executives Rehearsals of the performance Thursday and Friday School Authority Providing the resources Wednesday- Friday Authority of UNICEF Monitoring the entire arrangements Wednesday- Saturday Morning Event Manager Table 4: Project Set Up (Source: Created by Author) Demonstrating leadership, Time management, and prioritizing skills While organising an event for promoting a social cause, it is important to monitor the arrangements by using the proper skills. The event manager is the main responsible person who will monitor the entire activities and arrangements by using the proper skills (Raj, Walters and Rashid 2013). In such cases, the use of the situational leadership style can be relevant. The situational leadership style is considered as the most flexible method of monitoring or guiding any situation to complete with the skilful attributes (Lorinkova et al. 2013). The event is arranged for collecting funds that can be donated for the victims in Nepal. The event is associated with different activities along with the auditorium decorations. The event manager has to keep the focus on the decorative purposes, arrangements of the dance shows and quiz, performance of the celebrities, and so on. Therefore, it is important to monitor the activities in the situational basis. The event manager can sometimes undertake the autocratic leadership style in case of commanding the volunteers (Jones 2014). Adopting the situational leadership style would be effective enough for the completion of the event (McCleskey 2014). The effects of the proper leadership help in managing the teams. Time Management is the most required field that is needed to be taken into consideration (Kerzner 2013). While organising an event, it is important to structure the time frame for each of the activities. The planning of the sequential events is needed to be performed within the particular time scale. Accordingly, the plan includes the booking of the auditorium, arranging the resources, rehearsals for the performances, listing the quiz questions, and other commodities. The planning and booking the auditorium will be completed in the first two days of the week. The decorations will be taking at least three days before the main programme. Within three days, the payments should be done and the process is needed to be monitored. Maintenance of such time scale will thus be effective enough for the successful completion of the event. Supporting and monitoring the project The effective monitoring and managing skills of the event manager is significant enough for the completion of the event (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). Even the performance of the school students are needed to be monitored by the school authority. The effective expressing and presenting skills would create the clear picture of the sufferings that can make the people willing to contribute the funds for the victims. Corrective Action It is to be noted that the completion of the proper event, managing the time frame is necessary (Nygate 2013). Moreover, the allocated resources are needed to be monitored accordingly. Hence, in considering the fruitful outcome, it is important to keep the focus on the proper evaluation of the process. In such cases, the event manager has to take the responsibility to monitor and guide the executives to undertake the proper process. The process with the proper time frame is needed to be listed in a recorded file (Cooren 2013). Firstly, the manager needs to identify the resources that are needed to be allocated for organising the event. The list of the report will thus be presented to the authority of UNICEF. The members who will be sponsoring will also provide their details accordingly. This particular recorded file will be monitored in daily basis. For example, while booking the auditorium, the manager will pay the auditorium authority few amounts as advance. This activity is needed to be checked in the list to keep them memorised. After the completion of the event, the rest of the amount will be paid. Similarly, each of the activities is needed to be checked, rehearsed, and monitored. The volunteers will also be provided with the proper guidance to manage the audiences. Keeping each of the records is the best solution or corrective action for the successful event. Selection of the Team Event organising is associated with a number of activities. Building diversified team to monitor these activities is significant enough for the expected success (Kolbe et al. 2014). The main activities incorporated in this particular event need monitored by the skilled representatives. One team will be made of two people and they will look after the decorative purposes. These people will present the report to the manager of the event. Similarly, two people will be monitoring the performance activities. Three people will build a team and they will report the manager about the monetary resources required for the event purposes. The association of the volunteer will be managing the crowd and distribute foods and prizes included in the event activities. Team building skills and diffusing anger During the arrangements of an event, the executives have to deal with different people. Some of the people are aggressive, while some present the effective team management skills (Grunig 2013). Hence, it is important to concentrate on the proper leadership skills that can be used for diffusing the anger. Due to the extreme work pressure, some of the employees even get frustrated and the leaders need to acquire the skill to maintain these executives or employees as per the situations (Akhilesh 2014). The leaders thus need to concentrate on several aspects, which are as follow. Empathize the opinions of the employees is necessary. The leaders need to listen and understand the perceptions of the employees. While judging the perception, the leader needs to think from the point of view of that particular employee (Lewis 2013). Understanding such situation is thus effective in diffusing their anger and calm people down during the frustrating situations. Offering support to the employees during their needs is also much helpful for avoiding the temperament of the employees. Backing up that particular employee is also one of the significant methods. Another most effective suggestion to diffuse the anger is invoking higher principles. While reacting in a situation, the leader needs to concentrate on the perspectives and reasons (Schoemaker, Krupp and Howland 2013). It helps the person to understand and act wisely during their works. In organising the event, the executives and the team members may face several situations when the anger diffusions are necessary. Hence, the maintenance of such procedures is essential to build an efficient team. Importance of co-ordination and communication Maintaining the coordination through the establishment of the proper communication process is necessary to build the team effort. The establishments of the transparent communication help in knowing the requirements of the members to add efficiency in the allocated activities (Hsu et al. 2012). While organising an event, it is necessary to concentrate on the coordination among the employees or the executives. The manager can also keep the concentration on the different activities that can lead towards the successful completion of the event project. The communication process is even essential for eliminating the conflicts and bringing the expected outcomes. Planning the actions and Resources Actions Resources 1. Booking the Auditorium Advanced payment, event schedules 2. Monitoring the decorative purposes Decorating posters, leaflets for the promotion, arranging the prizes for the quiz competitions, arranging the musical instruments, microphones, stage curtains, etc. 3. Keeping the record of the resources Computer and lists of the activities 4. Monitoring the team members Meetings with the leaders Table 5: Planning the action and Resources (Source: Created by Author) Internal and External Communication Internal Communication External Communication 1. Communicating with the team members about the event activities 1. Arranging the team meeting with the event manager for providing the information of the required resources 2. Managing the conflicts 2. Communicating about the performance schedules 3. Understanding the perceptions of the team members 3. E-mailing the manager regarding the payment structure for the required resources. Table 6: Internal and External Communication (Source: Created by Author) Use of the Information Technology The information technologies are much helpful in these days for promoting any social cause (Wang et al. 2012). The event will be organised to collect funds for the earthquake victims in Nepal. The event will be making people aware of the current condition and importance of collecting the funds for the people. The promotions of such social cause are needed to be undertaken through hoardings and posters. One of the most relevant ways to promote the event is social media (Sun et al. 2014). The emergence of social media has become the most powerful strategy to be undertaken to promote any events related to the social cause (Enjolras, Steen-Johnsen and Wolleaek 2013). With the help of the information technology, UNICEF can create an event on social media to make people aware of the event. The official websites of UNICEF can also be helpful in providing the information about the event. On the other hand, the entire event process includes the structured records. Using computers or laptops to keep each of the information regarding the process is necessary. The event manager can go through those records to monitor the entire process more specifically. In fact, the posters and leaflets are needed to be designed as per the event purposes. With the help of the information technology, the posters and the leaflets will be designed. Managing several sound effects during the acts is also maintained by the information technologies. Producing regular and on-time Information The information gathered for the event is needed to be associated in a structured way. This list of the information will be presented to the event manager. Each of the information is needed to be presented within a scheduled time. Since, the event has been organised for the weekends. Therefore, it is important to keep the record on daily basis. For example, the first day activity will be ensuring the selection of the venue. The event manager will be provided the report of different places in the first half of the day. In the next day, the payment and required resources will be discussed. Building the team also needs the proper time management and the activities will be allocated to them. The completion of these activities will be ensured within the structured time frame. Three days before the event will be engaged with the decorations and stage rehearsals. Other executives would be collecting the commodities for the audiences. Within the time frame, the negotiations with the sponsors and other authorities would be recorded. Monitoring each of the activities in a sequential manner would thus lead towards successful completion of the event. Conclusion The event will be organised by UNICEF to raise the funds for the victims of Nepal earthquake. Majority of the population in Nepal are children and they have been victimised due to devastated disaster. Hence, the collected funds from this event will be contributed to provide water, first aid kits, medicines, and foods to the victimised people. The structured and sequential arrangements of the events are ensuring the effective platform for collecting funds. Different activities associated in this event will be providing the message of such social cause. The involvement of the dance performances, quiz performances, speech deliveries by the charity head and celebrities, and lighting the candles will be associated in this event. Maintenance of the team, managing the external and internal communication, leadership skills, and keeping the records will be fruitful for the successive completion of the event. References Akhilesh, K.B., 2014. Interpersonal Relationships, Teams, and Team Building. InRD Management(pp. 141-167). Springer India. Cooren, F., 2013.Interacting and organizing: Analyses of a management meeting. Routledge. Enjolras, B., Steen-Johnsen, K. and Wollebaek, D., 2013. Social media and mobilization to offline demonstrations: Transcending participatory divides?.New Media Society,15(6), pp.890-908. Grunig, J.E., 2013.Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Hsu, J.S.C., Shih, S.P., Chiang, J.C. and Liu, J.Y.C., 2012. The impact of transactive memory systems on IS development teams' coordination, communication, and performance.International Journal of Project Management,30(3), pp.329-340. Jones, M., 2014.Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Kerzner, H.R., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Kolbe, M., Grote, G., Waller, M.J., Wacker, J., Grande, B., Burtscher, M.J. and Spahn, D.R., 2014. 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Rogers, T. and Davidson, R., 2015.Marketing destinations and venues for conferences, conventions and business events(Vol. 14). Routledge. Schoemaker, P.J., Krupp, S. and Howland, S., 2013. Strategic leadership: The essential skills.Harvard business review,91(1), pp.131-134. Sun, Y., Yan, H., Lu, C., Bie, R. and Zhou, Z., 2014. Constructing the web of events from raw data in the web of things.Mobile Information Systems,10(1), pp.105-125. UNICEF, 2016. Who we are. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2016]. Wang, Q., Woo, H.L., Quek, C.L., Yang, Y. and Liu, M., 2012. Using the Facebook group as a learning management system: An exploratory study.British Journal of Educational Technology,43(3), pp.428-438.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Prince, MachiavelliS Economy Of Violence Essays - Philosophy
The Prince, MachiavelliS Economy Of Violence Essays - Philosophy The Prince, MachiavelliS Economy Of Violence The Prince, Machiavellis Economy of Violence Machiavelli was an Italian historian, statesman, and political philosopher, whose amoral, but influential writings on power building have turned his name into a synonym for cunning and duplicity. I personally feel he is a genius. Niccolo Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. He eventually became a man who lived his life for politics and patriotism. Right now, however, he is associated with corrupt, totalitarian government. The reason for this is a small pamphlet he wrote called The Prince to gain influence with the ruling Medici family in Florence. The political genius of Niccolo Machiavelli was overshadowed by the reputation that was unfairly given to him because of a misunderstanding of his views on politics. Machiavelli's life was very interesting. He lived a nondescript childhood in Florence, and his main political experience in his youth was watching Savanarola from afar. Soon after Savanarola was executed, Machiavelli entered the Florentine government as a secretary. His position quickly rose, however, and was soon engaging in diplomatic missions. He met many of the important politicians of the day, such as the Pope and the King of France, but none had more impact on him than a prince of the Papal States, Cesare Borgia. Borgia was a cunning, cruel man, very much like the one portrayed in The Prince. Machiavelli did not truly like Borgia's policies, but he thought that with a ruler like Borgia the Florentines could unite Italy, which was Machiavelli's goal throughout his life. Unfortunately for Machiavelli, he was dismissed from office when the Medici came to rule Florence and the Republic was overthrown. The lack of a job forced him to switch to writing about politics instead of being active. His diplomatic missions were his last official government positions. When Machiavelli lost his office, he desperately wanted to return to politics. He tried to gain the favor of the Medici by writing an essay of what he thought were the Medici's goals and dedicating it to them. And so The Prince was written for that purpose. Unfortunately, the Medici didn't agree with what the book said, so he was out of a job. But when the public saw the book, they were outraged. The people wondered how cruel a man could be to think evil thoughts like the ones in The Prince, and this would come back to haunt him when he was alive and dead. However, if the people wanted to know what Machiavelli really stood for, they should have read his Discourses on Livy, which explain his full political philosophy. But not enough people had and have, and so the legacy of The Prince continues to define Machiavelli to the general public. A few years later the Medici were kicked out of Florence. The republic was re-established, and Machiavelli ran to retake the office he had left so many years ago. But the reputation that The Prince had established made people think his philosophy was like the Medici, so he was not elected. And here the sharp downhill of his life began. His health began to fail him, and he died months later, in 1527. Machiavelli had been unfairly attacked all of his life because of a bad reputation. But it only got worse after he died. He was continually blasted for his support of corrupt ruling. In fact, Machiavellian now means corrupt government. Only recently has his true personality come to light. The world must change it's vision of the cold, uncaring Machiavelli to the correct view of a patriot and a political genius. Throughout his career Machiavelli sought to establish a state capable of resisting foreign attack. His writings are concerned with the principles on which such a state is founded, and with the means by which they can be implemented and maintained. In, The Prince he describes the method by which a prince can acquire and maintain political power. This study, which has often been regarded as a defense of the despotism and tyranny of such rulers as Cesare Borgia, is based on Machiavelli's belief that a ruler is not bound by traditional ethical norms. In his view, a prince should be concerned only with power
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Theory - Essay Example Correspondingly, theory is science is a logical and mathematical explanation, a framework describing the relations between phenomena, a set of universally true laws and principles, a testable, self-consistent model of reality, derived from the systematic observation of natural phenomena and conditions and capable of predicting future events and development of things. Ta scientific theory can always be verified by further investigations, be it an experiment or an empirical observation. The word theory comes from Greek theoria, which means ââ¬Ëspeculation, contemplation.ââ¬â¢ It also can be traced back to the word theion, meaning divine thing, so that theory means contemplation on the divine organization of the nature. A scientific theory is formulated through scientific method. A scientist makes some hypothesis on the basis of observations, predicting possible outcomes. Then predictions are tested experimentally. New observations can confirm the hypothesis or refute it. Depending on whether the hypothesis is confirmed or refuted, it can be adjusted or redefined. In case the old theory is not confirmed within a new context, a new theory can be proposed (p.8). Often numerous hypotheses are bound within one theory. Theories deal with broader sets of universals than hypotheses. There may be several theories about the same part of reality, all of them revealing some truth. However, one theory may be superior to other competitive theories. Then it becomes a framework within which theoretical facts and observations are explained and predicted (Dodig ââ¬â Crnkovic 2001, p.8). According to Karl Popper (1963) a scientific theory has the following characteristics: 1) It can be easily verified and confirmed. 2) Confirmations are sound if the prediction is risky and there have been expected an event able to refute the theory. 3) A scientific theory always forbids some things to happen. 4) A scientific theory is always refutable by some fact of event.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Imperial China's Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Imperial China's Development - Essay Example This study stresses thatà the History of the Chinese peopleââ¬â¢s development does not just involve the rise and fall of dynasties, but is also greatly endowed by the presence of religion which played a primary role in the society. Religion played a key role in influencing their perception of the world, and of the people around them. These religions came into existence through their founders, who subscribed to a certain set of beliefs. The three most dominant religions in China include the Confucius wisdom, Budhism and the Taoist perception. Confucius, also known as Qong Kiu was the most influential of the Chinese history. His main idea was to create a moral upright behavior. His concern was for every government to build a just society. He believed in the respect for hierarchy, in which everyone should act according to his place in the hierarchy.à This paper highlights that the Taoism religion also influenced and still influences the Chinese religions. This perception is influ enced by the belief that there is a source of and force behind everything that exists.à The three attributes; patience, humility and compassion are emphasized on. This religion greatly influenced the nature of interactions between people in China, and has been widely embraced by the Chinese.à The Buddhism religion is closely linked to Confucius wisdom. They complement each other, and one cannot exist without the other. Buddhism embraces the role of the natural environment in bringing harmony in people.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Impact of Foreign Aid on Nigeria Development
Impact of Foreign Aid on Nigeria Development CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary This study examined the extent to which Foreign aid; particularly the debt relief initiative has contributed to human development in Nigeria. It particularly sought to examine the relationship between Foreign aid and development considering the underlying political-economic conditions and the effectiveness of aid on human development. This work also sought to analyze how the World Bankââ¬â¢s Debt Relief initiative has enabled human development in form of better living standards and access to essential facilities in Nigeria. Finally, this research sought to evaluate the political-economic conditions particularly underlying the effectiveness of the World Bankââ¬â¢s Debt Relief initiative to Nigeria. Chapter one introduced the study introducing a general background to the study; the statement of problem; the research questions; objectives of the study; research proposition; significance of the study; scope and limitations of the study. Chapter two focused on the review of scholarly literature on the subject matter. The chapter illustrated the historical background to Foreign aid in the International system and its contributions to development in general. The chapter also included a theoretical framework examining the theory used for study review as well as the current trends regarding the subject. Chapter three in the other hand was devoted to the historical perspective of foreign aid in Nigeria. Chapter four attempts a critical discourse of the subject matter of debt relief and human development. The chapter reviewed and evaluated the debates on the effectiveness of the Debt Relief Initiative to Nigeria. It particularly sought to examine the impact and effect of the debt relief initiative on Human development in Nigeria. It started off examining the debt relief initiative, followed by the debates on its effectiveness and management in recipient states and concluded with a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the debt relief initiative on human development in Nigeria so as to determine if foreign aid in form of debt relief has contributed to human development in Nigeria. This chapter being the fifth summarizes the research and all findings carried out. It also includes recommendations and suggestions for further studies. 5.2 Recommendations One of the significant conclusions of the aid-effectiveness literature has been that aid is more effective when the recipient countryââ¬â¢s policy and institutional environment satisfies some minimal criteria, and that aid should thus be allocated selectively on the basis of the quality (established policies and initiatives) of prospective recipientsââ¬â¢ economic and social policies (World Bank, 1998). To buttress this assertion, Thomas (2001) points out that some Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) had no policy responses to poverty, HIV/Aids or corruption until they were required to do so as conditions for debt relief under the HIPC Initiative. He concluded by suggesting that unless debt relief is effectively conditioned on the proper use of funds and the pursuit of structural reforms, it is unlikely to help the poor. This has been the Aid efficiency-conditionality debate ââ¬âsurrounding the subject matter. It is rather quite unfortunate that the afore mentioned assertion or debate was somewhat verified in Nigeria with the establishment of the Debt Management Office and the Virtual Poverty Fund ââ¬â initiatives that were as a result of a desperate need for a debt relief. What is more reliving though is that the DMO is actually still in place and very much efficient in managing the Nationââ¬â¢s external and internal debt, and have shown certain level of accountability and transparency. This is seen with the up-to-the-minute information available on the Debt Management Office (DMO) website for Nigerians to familiarize themselves with the office and all that has been done to get a debt relief and all that there is to managing further debt both on the state level and the federal level. This research further recommends that revenues from oil be utilized appropriately to make resources available to finance investment that would in turn lead to growth. No doubt, there is the individual approach to office administration and policy initiation. But because the nature of Public administration allows for continuity even after the presiding officer or chair steps down, it is therefore appropriate to recommend that the established Debt Management Office and the Virtual Trust Fund (VPF) that was internationally commendable suggest that the Nigerian Government is competent enough to initiate functional approaches to challenges in the state and manage such initiatives effectively. It would be worthwhile therefore, to have our leaders put that same zeal and drive to initiating solutions to several other challenges facing the state and run it efficiently as the DMO was viciously run to get debt relief. Apart from debt relief being a form of aid; in Nigeria, the aid fund goes directly to the ministries, department or agency (MDA) that uses the fund. This is contrary to what happened in other Sub Sahara African Countries such as Kenya and Ghana in which foreign aid is treated as part of the budget. The Senate in Nigeria has warned against the disbursement of foreign aid coming into the country without National Assemblys involvement. The lawmakers are now insisting that such funds must henceforth be captured in the nationââ¬â¢s budget process for the purpose of tracking its flow and disbursement into Nigeriaââ¬â¢s critical sectors (The Will, 2011). The idea is that by-passing budget will result in timely release of the aid to the critical sectors of the economy. Also, by-passing budget would ensure that aid money is not diverted to non-aided projects in the country. It is possible that there is the fear of embezzlement and mismanagement. And so I would recommend that the ministr ies, department or agency (MDA) that receive and utilize aid fund continue to do so but with a report to the National Assembly on a detailed account of aid fund. To effectively assess the effectiveness of the VPF or any aid fund for that matter, it is important for recorded projects to include the names or complete detail of projects so as to allow for complete evaluation. One may question if poor policy performance is a cause or a consequence of external debt or debt over hang for that matter. The debt overhang theory and the more general concerns of debt distorting incentives of the borrowing countries to reform imply that poor policy performance could be an outcome caused by external debt, at least in some of the HIPC countries, especially in the short run, as governments have much less incentive to absorb reform costs if they primarily produce income for foreign creditors. This should not be the case for Nigeria with the surplus revenue from oil does. It does not allow for the conclusion that poor policy performance could be an outcome caused by external debt. Rather, gross mismanagement of public fund, looting and perpetuated greed has caused poor policy performance. The civil society could have suppressed mismanagement to some extent but that is not really the case because what is seen is a state where there is minimal horizontal accountability and almost an invisible vertical accountability. In fact, the Nigerian citizens are negligent of the existence of the state and tend to survive with or without its input. This should not be the case. For Nigerian leaders to be accountable, citizens must actively participate in the politics of the state and make demands without fear. As many other reviews have recommended, this research would also recommend that Nigeria should diversify her economy to have multiple income streams. It is true that no state can be self-sufficient but the manner in which aid is given to Nigeria is very appalling and not needed. Least to say the food imported to Nigeria on a daily basis. If any state cannot feed itself and grow itself and its capacity, such state is bound to be underdeveloped of which Nigeria is not fit to be termed underdeveloped due to her vast riches in natural resources, man power, intellectual and industrial capacity, market and population. This research would therefore recommend a shift from a ââ¬Å"Rentier mentalityâ⬠to a self-reliant economy and state. 5.3 Conclusion In other research, the overall impact of debt relief continues to be unclear. Whereas there is little in the way of complete analysis or country case studies to compare the Nigeria case with. Chauvin and Kraay (2005) however, argue that debt relief has had no perceptible impact on the composition or effectiveness of public spending. Some skeptics, including Easterly (2002) and Jain (2007) have argued that debt relief, or the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries process can make public policy worse. On the other hand, Arslanalp and Henry (2005) argue ââ¬Å"both borrowers and lenders can benefit from debt relief when the borrower suffers from debt overhangâ⬠, whilst World Bank (2006) paints a broadly positive tone as to the policy course of post completion point countries of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative. Against this mixed picture, the Nigerian analysis as summarized in the preceding chapter, suggests a success story. More so, it is important to note that debt relief is only a drop in the ocean of reform that is needed in Nigeria. Besides, debt relief was labeled as ââ¬Ëspecial moneyââ¬â¢ that had political support, high visibility, and accountability processes surrounding it especially so as to gain credit from international donors (at the initial stages). Every other money is wasted, mismanaged or syphoned, as it has been the norm within public administrations. And because debt fund alone cannot lead to development in a state (even if well accounted for), development challenges still persist coupled with lack of devoted leaders to change. Such attitude keeps a state in a continuous spin within the dependency circle. So yes, political conditions do have effects on the effectiveness of foreign aid and much more, on the development of a state. 5.4 Suggestion for Further Research The decay in social services such as the education sector was not only because of inadequate financial allocation but also as a result of corrupt practices. What this work couldnââ¬â¢t cover adequately was to find out how possible it is that relief funds were not diverted, yet, the NAPEP estimated impact on human development is not all that visible. This is because diversion in funds impedes development. Or could it be that the infinitesimal growth experienced from the debt relief fund was all that there was and funds were not diverted, mismanaged or wasted? In other words, why didnââ¬â¢t the debt relief plan aid NEPAP in eradicate poverty before 2010?
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Causes And Solutions Of Juvenile Delinquency EDIT
I agree with this statement because if children are born in a family where they are not able to eat, or have to go to bed hungry, of course here is going to be some problems. When they are starving, they are going to be less focused on school. The growing rate of unemployment makes it difficult for parents to provide for their children. It also makes it easy for people to turn to a life of crime. One of these crimes is drug dealing and buying. When they live in an environment that has a supply of drugs and guns more than new textbook there is going be some problems.In a violent environment you are going to be more prone to be violent or a victim of violence. Whatever resources are more readily available in their neighborhood is the one they are more likely to pick up. So, if they have new guns and old textbooks, they might just pick up the new gun. When they are living in substandard housing, they might just feel substandard and depressed. They also are prone to have more environment al hazards in or near their neighborhood. All these previous things can have an effect on people's genetics or them personally.Psychological The author in this section wants his audience to know author problems can be passed on by parents and siblings through mental illness or behavior. There is a long list of people in jail right now that have some type of mental illness. It is probably over 50% of the jail population. The question that isn't asked in this article is: does the chicken come first or do the egg? In other words does the environment cause the mental illness or does the mental illness cause the environment. I think in a poor neighborhood it is a little bit of both.There are hazards and mental stress as well as trauma that come with living in a bad neighborhood. Believe that having to worry about safety and security can lead to mental stress, just as the article mentions. Bad neighborhoods also consist of many crimes, many of which are seen by nouns children. This causes trauma to innocent people and if trauma is left untreated, it can cause mental problems in the long run, although it may not be evident in the beginning. Furthermore, mental illness funding for the poor and general health funding for the poor has been on a steady cut over the last several decades.This leads to less and worst treatments for those that sometime need it the most. So, this becomes part of a contributing factor of the poor- having a higher crime rate across the board. This can lead to generations of mental illness that could have been prevented or at least Essen the problem. Social This part of the article talks about how you are treated in the family; whether a child is the first born, middle, or last child. This will all make a difference in how they are treated in the family and how they might be discriminate against.An example is that the oldest child usually has more responsibilities than their siblings. Therefore, they have more stress and may feel the need to do whatever they can to help the family- including turning to illegal work. The middle child is usually ignored, with most of the attention focused on the older and younger siblings. The younger sibling usually gets the most attention because they are the ââ¬Å"baby' of the family. Parenting Styles Regardless of the social factors in a family, it can all come back to how parents raise their children.Some questions can determine aspects in a child's life such as: Does the child do what is asked of them with no reward or are they rewarded? Are actions (bad or good) explained by the parent when punishment is issued? Are parents holding their children accountable for their actions? Do parents take an active role in their children's lives, such as education? All this will make a difference in a child's behavior in the future. These very things can make a difference in whether a child becomes a juvenile delinquent or not.I believe that if parents are inconsistent with their children, punish them for minor issues, never give positive feedback, or do not take an active role in their children's lives, then they are negatively impacting their children and setting them up for failure. Personal: Sometimes, despite how great a child's family life is, there are still internal problems that a child can face. Though they may receive all the praise and eve from family, school, and friends, children can still become juvenile delinquents. One reason for this social problem is their personality.Everyone has a different set of personality and sometimes children are born naturally aggressive. Sometimes being easily angered or naturally irritable can cause problems in a child's life. No amount of tenderness or love from anyone can change this, in some cases. It is my opinion that natural aggression can cause violence and therefore make them commit crimes that other people who don't have the same similar problem would not do. Psychological The article states, ââ¬Å"Statistics show tha t mental illnesses are one of the biggest reasons behind juvenile delinquency in America and other developed countries. To me, this is very believable because of how mental illnesses can affect a person. People with mental disabilities sometimes do not have the capacity to learn morals or empathy. An example is people who are psychopaths. This is not a learned disability. The English dictionary defines psychopath as: ââ¬Å"a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful arsenal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc. This means that when a person lacks the ability to love, then they also are not able to form personal relationships. As humans, we are born with the need for companionship- it is a vital part of everyone's lives. Also, the lack of empathy will cause people to do bad things without feeling bad. An example is stealing. It is morally wrong and when someone steals, they should feel guilt. But a mentally ill person without empathy will not feel guilt. Peer Groups: This type of influence can greatly affect a child.The article states that parents should make sure their children hang out with people who belong to their ââ¬Å"classâ⬠because it prevents jealousy. Jealousy between friends can cause several crimes in adolescents. This can be a good thing because if middle class children are hanging out with other middle class children, there is no one to be jealous of from a friend who has a richer family or a poor friend to be jealous of everyone else. However, this can also be a bad thing because if poor children are hanging out with other poor children, they may acquire bad habits those other poor children may have.One evident problem among families in the poverty line is the formations of gangs. These gangs can have negative effects in a child's life. They consist of negative and abusive behavior. Another peer group inf luence is peer rejection which can cause children to commit crimes because they feel they do not belong anywhere. I believe that a large part of an adolescence life is finding out who they are and where they belong. Society: Society affects what children see and also their environment. Social media is a powerful tool that society uses, and sometimes has negative impacts on teenagers. An example is bullying.Though bullying is extremely frowned upon, it still happens because many teenagers see more of this in the media than they do of people being kind and helping others. The news is always so quick to put out bad news than good news. Other things can spawn from something, like bullying, into labeling. An example of labeling is a child who is involved in bullying just by being there, though they actually never harmed anyone. This child may be labeled as criminal by circumstance and poor decision on who they hung out with. It will follow the child through the rest of heir lives and may even make them become an actual criminal.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Corporate Strategy Essay
In Corporate Strategy, Collis and Montgomery explain there are two kinds of diversificationââ¬âlinked and constrained. Companies using linked diversification enter new businesses when it relates in some way to another business they are already in (it is linked to it), but does not necessarily have any connection to their other businesses. If they are using constrained diversification, however, they only enter a new business if it is based on their core resources or competencies. Companies based on linked diversification have little coherence to their overall corporate strategy, while companies using constrained diversification tend to be more focused. Constrained diversification allows companies to maximize the effect of their resources because they are shared (100). Apple uses constrained diversification. Apple is, inherently, a personal computer company (hardware and software), and their businesses utilize their competencies in developing hardware and software. The Macintosh, iPad, iPhone, iPod and AppleTV are all computers, which allows Apple to share resources between businesses. For example, the Macintosh, iPad, iPhone and AppleTV all run OS X, Appleââ¬â¢s operating system. This creates economies of scope, which, Collis and Montgomery point out, create cost savings for the company because their resources are shared across multiple businesses (72). Rather than just have related businesses, though, each business is a focused platform with no extraneous products or product types. The Macintosh, for example, consists of two kindsââ¬âdesktop and notebook. These separate product lines each share resources and complement each other. The iMac and MacBook Pro are both primarily constructed from aluminum and glass, so not only do they share the same materials (which reduces costs), but they resemble each other, creating unity between product lines. Each platform, too, complements the other. Appleââ¬â¢s Macintosh computers sync their media and personal data (calendar, contacts, email) seamlessly with the other platforms. Because they work so well together, owning products from each platform benefits users by creating an experience where their devices ââ¬Å"just work.â⬠The platform advantage does not apply just to Appleââ¬â¢s devices. Through iTunes, users can purchase music, movies and television shows that syncs across all of their devices, or even do so from their iPhone or iPad. The App Store allows users to download applications for their iPhones and iPads wherever they are, and now the iBook Store, released in April, will allow them to do the same with books. Because Apple has chosen what businesses to enter carefully, these platforms reinforce the others and make them more powerful. The sum is greater than the parts. This creates a complete package for consumers to choose, and it is difficult for competitors to match. Their platform strategy makes each individual business more valuable than it would be as a separate entity. Their strategy can be improved, however. Currently, MobileMeââ¬âa service Apple offers that keeps contacts, calendar, and email in sync across multiple devices over the airââ¬âis a premium service that costs $99 per year. This is the wrong approach. Rather than a premium service, MobileMe should be free and integrated into Appleââ¬â¢s platforms. MobileMe should act like the ââ¬Å"glueâ⬠that integrates the platforms and as a draw for users. Appleââ¬â¢s goal should be to get as many MobileMe users as possible. Once someone is happily using MobileMe across their various devices, they are less likely to switch to a competitorââ¬â¢s product.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Tragedy Of The Holocaust - 1415 Words
Prior to the holocaust, however, he exhibits none of these characteristics. He was kind, wealthy, and uncommonly resourceful, and his marriage to Anja was filled with compassion, intimacy, and love. Where now Vladek is now stubborn, irritable, and almost comically stingy with his money. His experiences in the Holocaust undoubtedly played a role in these dramatic personality changes. It wasnââ¬â¢t until the war started that Vladek got a little more precautious about a few things. Whenever a bad thing would happen, Vladek would remain hopeful and trusted that things would go well for him and his family in the long run. Even when Vladek had to fight in World War II and was put in a prisoner camp with the most terrible conditions he still seemed to keep faith. However, one can slowly notice how Vladek becomes cautious about food and any kind of valuable. It is natural because he couldnââ¬â¢t get much so he had to be very careful about wasting anything. At times, he was willing to share, but he quickly realized that he had to fight for himself to survive and that everyone was responsible for themselves. He became a little careful about who his real friends were. ---- need uote here Now Vladek has not been able to recover from the mental, emotions, and physical harms that his life at Auschwitz caused him. He became incapable of trusting anybody, during the Holocaust, as well as to the present day. He quickly thought himself to become closed and shut-off to anybody and everyone. After theShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1708 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Holocaust is, by definition, a tragedy. HaShoah, the Hebrew word for the Holocaust, translates to ââ¬Å"the catastrophe.â⬠The very notion of humor during the Holocaust may seem incongruous, appalling, and wildly inappropriate. Tragedy is seen as serious, while comedy is typically lighthearted in nature. However, there is precedence for ââ¬Ëcomic relief,ââ¬â¢ the presence of humor in tragedy with the desired effect to relieve tension. Frequently, comic relief is used so that tragedy does not overshadow usRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust945 Words à |à 4 PagesSince the terrorist attack o n Paris, to the natural disasters in Haiti; there have been a variety of tragic events that have occurred throughout history across the world. Perhaps one main tragedy that leaves people feeling baffled is the Holocaust. Eric Lichtblau described the Holocaust in his article, The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking, as a genocide in which Adolf Hitlerââ¬â¢s Nazi Germany and its associates killed approximately six million Jewish people because the Nazis believed that exterminatingRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1599 Words à |à 7 Pagesassigned Adolf Hitler as their chancellor. Once Hitler had finally reached power he set out to complete one goal, create a Greater Germany free from the Jews (ââ¬Å"The reasons for the Holocaust,â⬠2009). This tragedy is known today as, ââ¬Å"The Holocaust,â⬠that explains the terrors of our histories past. The face of the Holocaust, master of death, and leader of Germany; Adolf Hitler the most deceitful, powerful, well spoken, and i ntelligent person that acted as the key to this mass murder. According to a researchRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust922 Words à |à 4 PagesFrom the terrorist attack on Paris, to the natural disasters in Haiti; there have been a variety of tragic events that have occurred throughout history across the world. Perhaps one main tragedy that leaves people feeling baffled is the Holocaust. Eric Lichtblau described the Holocaust in his article, The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking, as a genocide in which Adolf Hitlerââ¬â¢s Nazi Germany and its associates killed around six million Jewish people because the Nazis believed that exterminating the JewishRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1063 Words à |à 5 Pagesreligious family and a tough culture surrounding him, the Holocaust effected his life to the extreme but along with all his suffering and the tragedies in his life the Holocaust did not take him. He stuck by his believes and made it out alive. Born in Vilna with pride, it gave an eminent name to the Jewish people. He has four sisters, Rachel, Sonia, Doba and _. Also his mother and father, nephews and nieces. All but Rachel and he died of the Holocaust. In Vilna the Jews lived on one side of the street andRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1540 Words à |à 7 Pagesdiverse in the cause; it is the indifference and ruthlessness that an individual portrays. This sort of behavior accommodates society and encourages people to accept and follow its routine and principles, such as the events that took place during the Holocaust. During the time period of 1933 to 1945, Adolf Hitler, an Austrian World War I veteran, decided to partake in twisted behavior. Hitler believed that in order to do his nation justice, the nation needed an ethnic cleansing. This ethnic cleansingRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust3499 Words à |à 14 Pageshowever, the holocaust seems to be the huge adversity to overcome. The holocaust has taught the s ociety many things; although the world has not exactly learned from the experiences entirely. The holocaust is a learning experience still today, so that this generation will not repeat the same drastic measures. Many people today seem to think that the holocaust never happened; in spite of this, there are those that disagree. I have had the opportunity to listen to a firsthand account of the tragedy that happenedRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust Essay1118 Words à |à 5 PagesWithin the era of 1933 to 1945, races struggled through times of gloom, torment and hopelessness. The Holocaust was hard on numerous people, with little survivors and still influences individuals present lives today. The majority of the anguish was brought about as a result of one manââ¬â¢s conviction, that had the capacity to impact a whole nation. The holocaust was a genocide that was exclusively centered around hatred found in Germany. Propaganda was one of the main causes, which conditioned the peo pleRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1034 Words à |à 5 PagesIn every moment, people make choices that impact society, continually shaping history. During the Holocaust, when the Nazi Party incarcerated millions of Jews, ordinary European citizens and their everyday decisions and shaped history through an amass of cause and effects. Their decisions were greatly influenced by their understanding of the universe of obligation, which sociologist Helen Fein defines as ââ¬Å"the circle of individuals and groups ââ¬Ëtoward whom obligations are owed, to whom rules applyRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Holocaust1970 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Holocaust, 9/11, wars and assassinations are common events that come to mind when thinking about history. These events tend to make people think that mankind is evil and will always choose to be evil. However, when looking at the people behind the evil doings, are they really killing for a selfish reason? Mankind will always do good for their natio n, no matter the cost. While most powerful leaders end up hurting many people, they either have good intentions behind the mask of people suffering
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